Sodiê Doces - International Drive Avaliações (2024)

Craving an exquisite and unique dessert experience? Look no further than the enchanting world of Sodiê Doces, nestled in the heart of International Drive. This hidden gem has been captivating the taste buds of locals and tourists alike with its delectable array of sweets. Join us as we embark on a flavorful journey, exploring the tantalizing treats and the glowing reviews that have made Sodiê Doces a must-visit destination.

1. The Sodiê Doces Difference: Beyond the Conventional

At Sodiê Doces, the emphasis is on crafting desserts that transcend the ordinary. From meticulously designed cakes to mouthwatering pastries, every creation is a testament to the artistry and passion that goes into making each treat a sensorial delight.

2. International Drive Magic: A Perfect Setting

Nestled in the vibrant ambiance of International Drive, Sodiê Doces offers more than just desserts. The location itself adds to the experience, providing a perfect setting to indulge in the sweet escape that Sodiê Doces promises.

3. Savoring the Signature Cakes: A Symphony of Flavors

One cannot talk about Sodiê Doces without delving into its signature cakes. Each bite is a journey through layers of perfection, with flavors that dance on the palate. From classic chocolate indulgence to exotic fruit fusions, there's a cake for every discerning taste.

3.1 The Chocolate Symphony: A Decadent Affair

Indulge in the rich and velvety world of Sodiê Doces' chocolate cakes. Be prepared for a symphony of flavors that will transport you to a realm of pure cocoa bliss.

3.2 Fruity Fantasy: Tropical Temptations

For those craving a burst of freshness, the fruity offerings at Sodiê Doces are a revelation. Tropical fruits entwined with delicate cake layers create a harmony that is both refreshing and satisfying.

4. Customer Chronicles: International Drive Reviews

The true measure of a culinary haven lies in the experiences shared by its patrons. International Drive has witnessed an influx of glowing reviews for Sodiê Doces, and the testimonials speak volumes about the satisfaction derived from each visit.

4.1 Authentic Testimonials: Voices of Delight

Customers rave about the authenticity and originality of the desserts, praising the dedication to quality that sets Sodiê Doces apart from the mainstream.

4.2 Memorable Moments: Celebrations at Sodiê Doces

The reviews also highlight the role of Sodiê Doces in making special occasions truly memorable. The personalized touch in every creation adds an extra layer of joy to celebrations.

5. The Sodiê Experience: Beyond Taste

More than just a place to satiate your sweet tooth, Sodiê Doces offers an experience. The warm and welcoming atmosphere, coupled with the passion-driven service, ensures that every visit is not just about the desserts but the memories created.

6. Exploring the Burst of Perplexity

In the realm of Sodiê Doces, perplexity takes the form of diverse flavor combinations that challenge and delight the taste buds. The element of surprise is a constant companion, making every visit an adventure into the unknown.

7. Deciphering Burstiness in the Menu

The burstiness of Sodiê Doces manifests in its ever-evolving menu. From seasonal delights to limited-edition creations, there's always something new to explore, keeping the culinary journey fresh and exciting.

8. Conclusion: A Sweet Symphony on International Drive

As we conclude our exploration of Sodiê Doces on International Drive, it's evident that this dessert haven is more than just a culinary stop – it's a symphony of flavors, a burst of creativity, and an experience to savor. Whether you're a local sweet enthusiast or an international traveler, Sodiê Doces promises an unforgettable journey through the world of gourmet desserts.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: Are there gluten-free options available at Sodiê Doces? A1: Yes, Sodiê Doces offers a range of gluten-free options to cater to various dietary preferences.

Q2: Can I place a custom order for a special occasion? A2: Absolutely! Sodiê Doces welcomes custom orders for birthdays, weddings, and other special events, ensuring a personalized touch to your celebration.

Q3: Is Sodiê Doces suitable for family outings? A3: Certainly! The family-friendly atmosphere at Sodiê Doces makes it an ideal destination for sweet moments with your loved ones.

Q4: Are there any vegan dessert options on the menu? A4: Yes, Sodiê Doces understands the importance of catering to diverse dietary needs and offers delightful vegan dessert choices.

Q5: What sets Sodiê Doces apart from other dessert establishments on International Drive? A5: The unique blend of authenticity, creativity, and a passion for perfection sets Sodiê Doces apart, creating an unparalleled dessert experience.

Sodiê Doces - International Drive Avaliações (2024)


Qual o valor do rodízio na Sodiê? ›

Vejo grande potencial do modelo se tornar cada vez maior na rede", afirma Cleusa Maria da Silva, fundadora da Sodiê. O rodízio custa R$ 59,90 para adultos e R$ 29,95 para crianças entre 3 e 8 anos.

Onde comprar brigadeiro em Orlando? ›

E quando se fala em doce brasileiro, brigadeiros são os que vêm primeiro na minha cabeça, acho que é porque é o doce que aprendemos a comer desde cedo, em festas infantis, afinal, festa sem brigadeiro não dá! E dá pra comer em Orlando essas delícias, basta ir no mall Artegon, e ir no quiosque da Brasilian Desserts .

Qual é o nome da dona da Sodiê? ›

Cleusa Maria da Silva, de 47 anos, é uma empreendedora pouco convencional. Dona da Sodiê, primeira e maior rede de bolos do Brasil, hoje ela comemora a marca de 142 lojas, quase o dobro da conhecida rede Amor aos Pedaços. Nascida em Bandeirante, no Paraná, já aos 9 anos começou a trabalhar.

Qual o valor de 1 kg de bolo? ›

R$ 38,49.

Quantas pessoas serve um bolo de 1 kg? ›

São medidas aproximadas para ajudar quem não tem balança de cozinha. TAMANHO DE BOLO Quantidade de Pessoas Quilos de Bolos 10 pessoas 1 quilo 20 pessoas 2 quilos 30 pessoas 3 quilos 40 pessoas 4 quilos 50 pessoas 5 quilos 60 pessoas 6 quilos 70 pessoas 7 quilos 80 pessoas 8 quilos 90 pessoas 9…

Qual o valor de um brigadeiro? ›

Brigadeiro Gourmet de Morango c/ Cobertura Especial Chocolate Callebaut R$ 180,00 o cento Barca de Brigadeiro Gourmet (13 brigadeiros médios – até 3 sabores) R$ 39,00 unid. Brigaderia portátil – brigadeiro cremoso e coberturas R$ 25,00 unid. R$ 2,20 unid.

Quanto é que tá o brigadeiro? ›

Brigadeiro Gourmet R$ 4,20


Qual o valor do brigadeiro para vender? ›

Para ter como base, se você vender cada brigadeiro por R$ 3,50 e tiver um gasto médio de R$ 1,00 por unidade, ao retirar os gastos com produção (ingredientes, conta de luz e aluguel, caso tenha), o lucro será de R$ 2,50 por docinho.

O que significa a palavra Sodiê? ›

A Sodiê – junção dos nomes dos meus filhos, Sofia e Diego – surgiu puramente por necessidade. A escolha em empreender no setor de confeitaria foi por acaso. Primeiramente, a empresa se chamava Sensações Doces e depois passou a se chamar Sodiê.

Qual é a maior franquia de bolos do Brasil? ›

Casa de Bolos comemora 500 lojas inauguradas!

Foi pensando nisso que nascia há 13 anos a Casa de Bolos, pioneira e líder do segmento, sendo hoje a maior franquia de bolos do Brasil.

Onde são feitos os bolos da Sodiê? ›

Diferentemente dos bolos, produzidos nas próprias lojas, os salgados são feitos em uma fábrica própria no interior de São Paulo e distribuídos pelas lojas. A nova unidade de negócios representa atualmente 15% do faturamento e é liderada por Diego Rabaneda, filho da fundadora da marca, Cleusa Maria da Silva.

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Author: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Views: 6458

Rating: 4 / 5 (71 voted)

Reviews: 94% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

Address: Suite 228 919 Deana Ford, Lake Meridithberg, NE 60017-4257

Phone: +2613987384138

Job: Chief Retail Officer

Hobby: Tai chi, Dowsing, Poi, Letterboxing, Watching movies, Video gaming, Singing

Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.