Regionalized slashes in- hospital deaths - [PDF Document] (2024)

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Frontline Medical News

FROM CHEST n Intense monitoring of urine output could be a useful tool in detecting acute kidney injury (AKI), according to a study con-ducted at the University of Pittsburgh.

Kui Jin, MD, of the University of Pittsburgh and his associates found that, after adjustment for baseline characteristics, intensive monitoring of urine output (UO) was associated with higher rates of AKI, with an odds ratio of 1.22. Inten-sive UO monitoring also was strongly associated with improved 30-day survival among patients developing AKI.

“Treatment for AKI is focused on supportive

care and identification of the underlying etiology. Both of these priorities might be improved by earlier detection of AKI and closer monitoring of kidney function,” wrote Dr. Jin and his associates.

This retrospective cohort study included 15,724 adult patients admitted to the center’s ICUs during 2000-2008. All patients had either their UO or serum creatinine (SC) monitored. These patients were then divided into subco-horts that were monitored at one of two different intensities. UO intensive monitoring was de-fined by hourly recordings, with gaps no greater than 3 hours for the first 48 hours after ICU admission. The group receiving less intensive UO monitoring comprised patients who did not

Regionalized STEMI care slashes in-hospital deathsBY BRUCE JANCIN

Frontline Medical News

ANAHEIM, CALIF. – An American Heart As-sociation program aimed at streamlining care of patients with ST-elevation MI resulted in a dramatic near-halving of in-hospital mortality, compared with STEMI patients treated in hos-pitals not participating in the project, James G. Jollis, MD, reported at the American Heart As-sociation scientific sessions.

He presented the results of the STEMI AC-CELERATOR 2 study, which involved 12 participating metropolitan regions across the United States, 132 percutaneous coronary inter-vention–capable hospitals, and 946 emergency medical services agencies. The ACCELERATOR 2 program entailed regional implementation of a structured STEMI care plan in which EMS per-sonnel were trained to obtain prehospital ECGs and to activate cardiac catheterization labs prior to hospital arrival, bypassing the emergency de-partment when appropriate.

Key elements of the project, which was part of the AHA’s Mission: Lifeline program, included

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Intense urine output monitoring beneficial in ICU

VOL. 13 • NO. 1 • JANUARY 2018

ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY DETECTED // continued on page 6

TIME-TO-CARE MEASURES IMPROVED // continued on page 4


Outcomes of catheter thrombolysis

in pulmonary embolism // 18


An implantable treatment for

pulmonary hypertension // 22


A new combination therapy

helps CF patients // 34


The benefits of yoga for cancer

patients and their caregivers // 42





Get to know

CHEST Physician’s new


Page 46


the Date

CHEST 2018 is EARLIEROctober 6-10

Regionalized slashes in- hospital deaths - [PDF Document] (2)


having participating hospitals measure their performance of key processes and send that information as well as patient outcome data to the Nation-al Cardiovascular Data Registry’s ACTION–Get With The Guidelines registry. The hospitals in turn received quarterly feedback reports containing

blinded hospital comparisons. The impetus for the STEMI AC-

CELERATOR 2 project was simple: “Every day in the United States, peo-ple die because of the fragmented nature of emergency cardiac care,” declared Dr. Jollis, a cardiologist at Duke University in Durham, N.C.

Dr. Jollis and his coinvestigators worked to obtain buy-in from local stakeholders, organize regional lead-ership, and help in drafting a central regional STEMI plan featuring pre-specified treatment protocols.

The STEMI ACCELERATOR 2 study was carried out in 2015-2017,

during which 10,730 patients with STEMI were transported directly to participating hospitals with PCI capability.

The primary study outcome was the change from the first to the final quar-ter of the study in the proportion of EMS-transported patients with a time

Time-to-care measures improved // continued from page 1

Regionalized slashes in- hospital deaths - [PDF Document] (3)


from first medical contact to treat-ment in the cath lab of 90 minutes or less. This improved significantly, from 67% at baseline to 74% in the final quarter. Nine of the 12 participating regions reduced their time from first medical contact to treatment in the cath lab, and eight reached the na-tional goal of having 75% of STEMI patients treated within 90 minutes.

The other key time-to-care mea-sures improved, too: At baseline, only 38% of patients had a time from first medical contact to cath lab ac-tivation of 20 minutes or less; by the final quarter, this figure had climbed to 56%. That’s an important metric, as evidenced by the study finding that in-hospital mortality occurred in 4.5% of patients with a time from

first medical contact to cath lab ac-tivation of more than 20 minutes, compared with 2.2% in those with a time of 20 minutes or less.

Also, the proportion of patients who spent 20 minutes or less in the emergency department improved from 33% to 43%.

In-hospital mortality improved from 4.4% in the baseline quarter to

2.3% in the final quarter. No similar improvement in in-hospital mortal-ity occurred in a comparison group of 22,651 STEMI patients treated at hospitals not involved in ACCEL-ERATOR 2.

A significant reduction in the rate of in-hospital congestive heart failure occurred in the ACCEL-ERATOR 2 centers, from 7.4% at baseline to 5.0%. In contrast, stroke, cardiogenic shock, and major bleed-ing rates were unchanged over time.

The ACCELERATOR 2 model of emergency cardiovascular care is designed to be highly generalizable, according to Dr. Jollis.

“This study supports the imple-mentation of regionally coordinated systems across the United States to abort heart attacks, save lives, and enable heart attack victims to return to their families and productive lives,” he said.

The ACCELERATOR 2 operations manual – essentially a blueprint for organizing a regional STEMI system of care – is available gratis.

Discussant Larry A. Allen, MD, applauded the investigators for shift-ing the focus of quality improve-ment efforts in STEMI care away from a fixation on door-to-balloon time. That measure, while import-ant, constitutes only one element in the STEMI care system. The clock really ought to start ticking at the time of first medical contact. And emergency department waiting time is an important indicator of coordi-nation of care between paramedics and hospitals.

Dr. Allen, a cardiologist at the Uni-versity of Colorado, Denver, said the ACCELERATOR 2 model has been successful because it is consistent with a fundamental principle of implemen-tation science as described by Carolyn Clancy, MD, Executive in Charge at the Veterans Health Affairs Admin-istration, who has said it’s a matter of making the right thing to do the easy thing to do. Gregg C. Fonarow, MD, founder of the Get With The Guide-lines program and professor and cochief of cardiology at the University of California, Los Angeles, predicted that the success of this program will lead to a ramping up of efforts to re-gionalize and coordinate STEMI care across the country. Simultaneous with the presentation at the AHA confer-ence, the results of STEMI ACCEL-ERATOR 2 were published online in Circulation (2017 Nov 14. doi: 0.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.117.032446).

The trial was sponsored by re-search and educational grants from AstraZeneca and The Medicines Company. Dr. Jollis reported having no financial conflicts of interest.


Regionalized slashes in- hospital deaths - [PDF Document] (4)


David A. Schulman, MD, FCCP, is Medical Editor in Chief of CHEST Physician.








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meet intensive monitoring criteria, regardless of their UO in the 7 days following ICU admission. The pa-tients who had their SC intensively monitored had 3 calendar days of samples taken after their ICU ad-missions. Those who did not meet SC intensive monitoring criteria were placed into the less intensive SC monitoring group.

To understand the effect of the monitoring strategies on detecting the development of AKI, the re-searchers determined each patient’s baseline, admission, and reference se-rum creatinine levels. Baseline creat-inine was defined as the lowest value in the year prior to hospital admis-sion. The source for a patient’s refer-ence creatinine varied; for example, for some patients reference creatinine represented the lowest creatinine level recorded within 24 hours after ICU admission or the baseline value.

The crude rates of stage 2-3 AKI 7 days after admission to the ICU were similar between patients from both groups who had their UO mon-itored; 62.5% of intensive and 63.9% of less intensive patients displayed symptoms. After the researchers adjusted for baseline characteristics,

however, intensive monitoring of UO was associated with greater rates of stage 2-3 AKI (OR, 1.22; P less than .001). Crude rates were higher in the patients who received intensive monitoring for SC, compared with patients who received less intensive monitoring for SC.

Ultimately, Dr. Jin and his associ-ates found when caring for patients with or without AKI, fluid manage-ment is one of the most important factors. Patients who underwent intensive UO monitoring received less fluid in their first 24 hours (3.6 L) in the ICU, compared with pa-tients who received less intense UOmonitoring (4.2 L). Patients whor*ceived intensive monitoring oftheir UO also were less likely to usevasopressors (29.9% vs. 43.3%; P lessthan .001), suggesting these patientswere more hemodynamically stable.Further, the percentage of patientsat or above 10% of fluid overloadwas lower in the group who receivedintensive monitoring of their UO(2.49% vs. 5.68%; P less than .001)during the first 72 hours in the ICU.

C.R. Bard provided partial fund-ing for this study.


Acute kidney injury detected // continued from page 1

VIEW ON THE NEWSNikita Desai, MD, and William S. Bender, MD, of Emory University School


































Regionalized slashes in- hospital deaths - [PDF Document] (5)



Frontline Medical News

DALLAS – Management of outpatients with ad-vanced heart failure using an implanted pulmo-nary artery pressure monitor continues to show real-world efficacy and safety at least as impres-sive as in the pivotal trial for the device.

Data from the first waves of patients to receive the CardioMEMS implanted pulmonary artery

pressure (PAP) monitor since it got Food and Drug Administration marketing approval in May 2014 also showed steady uptake of this fluid volume management strategy for patients with advanced heart failure, despite Medicare reim-bursem*nt issues in some U.S. regions, J. Thomas Heywood, MD, said at the annual scientific meet-ing of the Heart Failure Society of America. He estimated that more than 6,000 U.S. heart failure patients have now had a CardioMEMS PAP mon-itor implanted.

“PAP monitoring seems to work in the real world,” said Dr. Heywood, a heart failure car-diologist at the Scripps Clinic in La Jolla, Calif. An apparent signal of better patient outcomes during routine use, compared with outcomes in the pivotal CHAMPION trial (Lancet. 2011 Feb 19;377[9766]:658-66), may reflect a real change in how clinicians use the data from implanted PAP monitors, he speculated.

“The clinicians using CardioMEMS now have a lot more experience” than they had during the trial, he said in an interview. “They have more experience using the device, they know what treatments to use to lower PAP more effectively, and they are now convinced that patients will benefit from reducing diastolic PAP.”

Dr. Heywood estimated that tens of thousands more U.S. heart failure patients with New York Heart Association class III disease and a recent history of at least one heart failure hospitalization are eligible to receive an implanted PAP monitor, dwarfing the more than 6,000 patients who re-ceived a device so far.

The postapproval studyThe newest efficacy data come from the first 300 patients enrolled in the CardioMEMS HF System Post Approval Study, a registry of patients receiv-ing an implanted PAP monitor funded by the

device’s manufacturer and scheduled to include a total of 1,200 patients. Dr. Heywood said full en-rollment was on track for completion by the end of October 2017.

The first 300 patients enrolled in the postap-proval study were older than the CHAMPION cohort. They averaged about 69 years of age, com-pared with about 62 years in CHAMPION; were more often women (38% vs. 28% in CHAMPION); and were more likely to have heart failure with

preserved ejection fraction (41% vs. about 22%).Follow-up data showed that, during the first 6

months with PAP monitoring, the 300 patients averaged 0.20 hospitalizations for worsening heart failure, with 56 hospitalizations in 43 pa-tients (14%), reported Nirav Y. Raval, MD, a cardiologist at Florida Hospital in Orlando. In contrast, in CHAMPION the average heart failure hospitalization rate during 6 months was 0.44 in control patients and 0.32 in those managed using frequent monitoring of an implanted PAP device.

A similar pattern existed for the 6-month cu-mulative tally of PAP area under the curve, which showed an average rise of 42 mm Hg/day in the CHAMPION control patients, an average drop of 160 mm Hg/day in the CHAMPION patients managed using their CardioMEMS data, and a drop of 281 mm Hg/day in the 300 postapproval study patients.

“We’re now using the implanted sensor in a broader population of patients, and one wonders whether the effect will be diluted. What we see is at least as good as in the CHAMPION trial. This is just an early snapshot, but it is exciting that we see no erosion of the benefit. It’s a great indication that the correct patients are receiving it,” Dr. Raval said while presenting a poster at the meeting.

Further scrutiny of the same 300 patients showed another feature of the impact of PAP mon-itoring on patient outcomes: The first 90 days with the PAP monitor in place led to a greater number of tweaks in patient treatment and a steady fall in PAP. During days 91-180, PAP tended to level off, the number of medication adjustments dropped, and heart failure hospitalizations fell even more than in the first 90 days, Joanna M. Joly, MD, re-ported in a separate poster at the meeting.

During days 0-90, heart failure hospitalizations averaged a 6-month rate of 0.29, but during days 91-180 this dropped to an average 6-month rate of

0.11, said Dr. Joly, a cardiologist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston. Also during the first 90 days, the 300 patients underwent 1,226 medica-tion changes, most often drug up-titrations with a diuretic or with nitrates. During days 91-180, this fell by nearly half, to 660 medication changes, a rate of 2.2 changes per patient during the second set of 90 days or fewer than 1 medication change per month in each patient, she reported.

The data showed “effective reduction” of PAP during the second half of the study despite fewer medication adjustments. How was that possible? Patients who transmit data on their PAPs un-dergo “modeling of their behavior” based on the feedback they receive from the device, Dr. Joly suggested. Regular measurement of their PAP and seeing how the number relates to their clin-ical status helps patients “understand the impact of their nonadherence to diet and their medi-cations.” Another factor could be the growing familiarity clinicians develop over time with PAP fluctuations that individual patients display re-peatedly that are usually self-correcting. Also, pa-tients may undergo “hemodynamic remodeling” that results in improved self-correction of minor shifts in fluid volume and vascular tone, she said.

This pattern of a reduced need for interven-tions after the first 90 days with a PAP implant suggests that many patients managed this way may be able to transition to care largely delivered by local providers, or even play a greater role in their own self-care once their PAP and clinical state stabilizes, Dr. Joly said.

The findings imply that by the end of the first 90 days, “patients accept the device and manage themselves better. It becomes basically a behav-ioral device” that helps patients better optimize their diet and behavior, Dr. Raval observed.

Safety holds steadyContinued real-world use of PAP monitoring has also resulted in new safety insights. During the first 3 years when the CardioMEMS device was on the U.S. market, May 2014–May 2017, the FDA’s adverse event reporting system for de-vices, the Manufacturer and User Facility Device Experience (MAUDE), received reports on 177 unique adverse events in 155 patients implanted with a PAP monitor, Muthiah Vaduganathan, MD, reported at the meeting. During the same 3-year period, he estimated that at least 5,500U.S. patients had received a CardioMEMS device,based on data Dr. Vaduganathan obtained fromthe manufacturer, Abbott. This works out to anadverse event rate of about 2.8%, virtually identi-cal to the rate reported from CHAMPION, notedDr. Vaduganathan, a cardiologist also at Brighamand Women’s.

The most common adverse event was a sensor failure, malfunction, or migration, which hap-pened in 26% of the patients, followed by pulmo-nary artery injury or hemoptysis, which occurred in 16%. MAUDE reports for the device included 22 deaths, including six patients who died as a result of pulmonary artery injury or hemoptysis, four patients who died from a heart failure–related


CardioMEMS shows real-world success as use expands

Continued on following page

Dr. J. Thomas Heywood Dr. Joanna M. Joly


Regionalized slashes in- hospital deaths - [PDF Document] (6)


cause, and 12 patients with death from an un-known cause or a cause unrelated to their heart failure or CardioMEMS placement.

Analysis of both the 22 deaths as well as the ep-isodes of pulmonary artery injury or hemoptysis showed that the preponderance occurred relative-ly early after introduction for U.S. use, suggesting that “a learning curve may exist for the most seri-ous complications,” he said. “Improved safety and device durability may result from careful patient selection, increased operator training, and refined technologies.”

Dr. Vaduganathan cautioned that the MAUDE database is limited by its bias toward serious ad-verse events, selective reporting, and lack of ad-judication for the reported events. Concurrently with his report at the meeting, a written version appeared online (JAMA Cardiol. 2017 Sep 18. doi:10.1001/jamacardio.2017.3791).

“The adverse event rate was reassuringly low,

well below the accepted threshold for device safe-ty. It bodes favorably for the device,” he said in an interview.

“But with a passive surveillance system like MAUDE, adverse events are likely underreported; we see in MAUDE the most severe adverse events. There is certainly a larger spectrum of more minor events that we are not seeing, but I think these numbers accurately reflect serious events.” A full registry of every U.S. patient who receives the device, similar to what’s in place for U.S. patients who undergo transcatheter aortic valve replace-ment, would provide a more complete picture of the risks, Dr. Vaduganathan suggested.

He also voiced some surprise about the fre-quency of pulmonary artery injury, which was not as apparent in the 550 total patients en-rolled in CHAMPION. Clinicians who place the PAP monitor are required to first take a training program, but the manufacturer has no mandated minimum number of placements an

operator must assist on before launching a new CardioMEMS practice, Dr. Vaduganathan said. Many of the pulmonary artery injuries reported to MAUDE resulted from wire perforations that resulted from loss of wire control, he noted.Dr. Heywood said that, in addition to the standard criteria of NYHA class III symptoms and a recent history of a heart failure hospitalization, the other clinical feature he looks for in a patient who is a possible CardioMEMS recipient is a persistently elevated systolic PAP as measured using echocardiography.

The CardioMEMS HF System Post Approval Study is sponsored by Abbott, which markets CardioMEMS. Dr Heywood has been a consul-tant to and/or has received research funding from Abbott as well as Impedimed, Medtronic, Novar-tis, and Otsuka. Dr. Raval has been a consultant to Abbott. Dr. Joly and Dr. Vaduganathan had no disclosures.



Frontline Medical News

What may be the largest study comparing unilateral and bilateral antegrade cerebral

perfusion during total arch replace-ment (ACP) for type A aortic dis-section has reported that outcomes between the two approaches are comparable, although the bilateral approach showed some advantages during the operation itself, investi-gators from China reported in the Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovas-cular Surgery (2017;154:767-75).

The effectiveness of bilateral ante-grade cerebral perfusion (b-ACP) vs. unilateral antegrade cerebral perfusion (u-ACP) has been the focus of exten-sive debate, lead study author Guang Tong, MD, of the Guangzhou (China) General Hospital, and coauthors said.

They compared outcomes in six differ-ent metrics, ranging from cardiopul-monary bypass time to length of stay (LOS) in the ICU and hospital, in 203 patients with type A aortic dissection who had total aortic arch replacement with hypothermic circulatory arrest over an 8-year period ending in Au-gust 2014; 121 had b-ACP and 82 had u-ACP. “The issue of u-ACP vs. b-ACP has been examined in aortic arch surgery, but few reports have fo-cused on type A aortic dissection,” Dr. Tong and coauthors wrote.

They acknowledged that some surgeons are reluctant to use b-ACP because of its complexity, but their study found no increase in cross-clamp time, cardiopulmonary by-pass time, or surgery time in the b-ACP group. They cited anotherreason surgeons give for avoidingb-ACP: the risk of embolic injury

caused by canulating the left com-mon carotid artery in an atheroma-tous aorta. “In the present study, this risk was avoided by attaching the left common carotid artery to the four-branched prosthetic graft for left hemisphere perfusion,” Dr. Tong and coauthors wrote.

Key outcomes that the researchers found not statistically significant were:• Overall 30-day mortality (11.6%

for b-ACP vs. 20.7% for u-ACP;P = .075).

• Prevalence of postoperative per-manent neurologic dysfunction(8.4% vs. 16.9%; P = .091).

• Average ICU LOS (16 ± 17.75 daysvs. 17 ± 11.5 days, P =.454).

• Average hospital LOS (26.5 ± 20.6days vs. 24.8 ± 10.3 days, P = .434).However, average ventilation

time was lower in the b-ACP group (95.5 hours vs. 147 hours; P less

than or equal to .001). Dr. Tong and coauthors used an

aggressive approach, as advocated by Dhaval Trivedi, MD, and colleagues (Ann Thorac Surg. 2016;101:896-903), and had a total arch replace-ment rate of 57.8%. This rate is higher than most published series in the West but comparable to other studies from China, perhaps because of the relatively young age of this study cohort – an average age of 51 years – compared to data sets other studies have used. Dr. Tong and co-authors used a b-ACP strategy that established both cerebral perfusion routes before circulatory arrest.

Rates of the following complica-tions were also not significantly dif-ferent across the study population: paraplegia (2.8% for b-ACP vs. 3.1% for u-ACP), temporary neurologic dysfunction (4.7% vs. 9.2%), perma-nent neurologic dysfunction (TND)(8.4% vs. 16.9%), renal failure (18% vs. 23.1%), reoperation for bleeding (2.8% vs. 4.6%), and mediastinal in-fection (3.7% vs. 6.2%).

While b-ACP patients did not have a statistically significant lower incidence of TND, Dr. Tong and coauthors noted the shorter time on ventilation and significantly lower tracheostomy rates for the b-ACP pa-tients, 3.7% vs. 16.9% for the u-ACP group (P = .003). “In our institute, protocols to wean patients from venti-lation were normally initiated as soon as consciousness was regained,” Dr. Tong and coauthors wrote. Among the study limits were its retrospective, nonrandomized, single-center nature.

The investigators reported having no relevant financial disclosures.


Bilateral ACP shown similar to unilateral in study


Still waiting for an answer






























Dr. Bachet is a cardiac surgeon in Surgenes, France. He

reported having no financial relationships to disclose.

Continued from previous page

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Frontline Medical News

The American Board of Inter-nal Medicine is extending its “no consequence” Knowledge

Check-In attempt to all subspecial-ties.

ABIM previously announced that, beginning in 2018, physicians taking the Knowledge Check-In in 2018 would get another chance to take it in 2 years if they were un-successful, even if they were due to pass the maintenance of certifica-tion (MOC) exam later that year. In 2018, Knowledge Check-Ins will

be offered in internal medicine and nephrology.

“Based on feedback ABIM has re-ceived from the physician commu-nity, we are happy to let you know that we are extending this policy to include all other internal medicine subspecialties in the future,” ABIM said in a Dec. 4 announcement on its website. “This means that if a physician takes the Knowledge Check-In in the first year it is of-fered in their subspecialty and is un-successful, they will get at least one additional opportunity to take and pass it 2 years later.”

The Knowledge Check-In is an

alternative to the traditional MOC process, and is administered every 2 years rather than the standard de-cade between MOC exams. ABIM

noted that a single failure on a Knowledge Check-In will not result in a status change to a physician’s

certification status.Separately, ABIM also announced

that it will continue to make prac-tice assessment activities (part IV of the MOC program) a part of the portfolio of options that can be used to satisfy MOC requirements.

“Our intent is to support physi-cians completing MOC activities that are most meaningful to their practice, including those that en-hance and improve medical knowl-edge, as well as many existing quality improvement activities, and those that blend both,” ABIM said in its announcement.



Knowledge Check-In redo allowed in all subspecialties

Drug prices a key focus of Senate HELP interview of AzarBY GREGORY TWACHTMAN

Frontline Medical News

AT A SENATE HELP COMMITTEE HEARING n WASHINGTON – Escalating drug prices topped the agenda as members of the Senate Health, Education, Labor & Pensions Committee inter-viewed Alex Azar regarding his nomination as secretary of the Department of Health & Human Services.

Mr. Azar, a former HHS deputy sec-retary and general counsel during the Bush administration and a former pres-ident of Eli Lilly’s U.S. operations, out-lined his priorities to the Senate HELP Committee during a hearing.

“With a department the size of HHS, it is often difficult to prioritize. None-theless, should I be confirmed, I do envision focusing my personal efforts in four critical areas,” including lower-ing drug prices, improving health care access and affordabilty, paying for outcomes, and tackling the opioid crisis.

Drug prices were the focus of many senators’ questions, and while many contentious questions came from panel Democrats, Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) signaled he was not yet on board with his approval for Mr. Azar’s nomination.

“I think many [Americans] perceive [that drug companies use] their economic might to manip-ulate the system to maximize profits,” Sen. Paul said. “It’s not like they are selling a cheaper prod-uct to more people. They are using government to maximize their profits. Do you acknowledge that, under the current system, Big Pharma uses their economic clout to manipulate the patent system to increase drug prices?”

“There are clearly abuses, Senator, in the sys-tem, and that is why one of the steps that I men-tioned ... that I believe we have to go after, is the gaming of that,” Mr. Azar responded. He suggest-ed that although Hatch-Waxman rules give inno-vators a time frame to exclusively sell products “there should be a certain moment” when full

generic competition should begin.Sen. Paul also challenged Mr. Azar on the no-

tion of drug importation. There has not been a successful path to certify

that drugs being imported are “safe and reliable,” Mr. Azar noted.

Sen. Paul countered that “you would have to sit there and say that the European Union has unsafe drugs. It would be unsafe for Americans to buy drugs from the European Union or from Canada

or Australia. It’s just frankly not true.” Sen. Paul told Mr. Azar that if he

cannot come up with a way to reimport drugs as a means of addressing the high cost of pharmaceuticals in the United States, “I can’t support you.”

Sen. Paul continued that a lot of people have talked about how they are going to change the system, particularly patent issues that stand in the way of generic competition, and “you’ve got some convincing to make me believe

that you are going to represent the American people and not Big Pharma, and I know that’s insulting, and I don’t mean it to be because I am sure you are an honest and upright person. But we all have our doubts because Big Pharma ma-nipulates the system to keep prices high. ... We’ve got to fix it. We can’t tepidly go at it. We have to really fix it, and you need to convince those of us who are skeptical that you will be part of fixing it and won’t be beholden to Big Pharma.”

Regarding his other priorities, Mr. Azar noted that, through his “experience helping to imple-ment [Medicare] Part D and with my extensive knowledge of how insurance, manufacturers, pharmacy, and government programs work to-gether, I believe I can bring the skills and experi-ences to the table that can help us address these issues, while still encouraging discovery so Amer-icans have access to high-quality care.”

He called for making health care “more afford-able, more available, and more tailored to what individuals want and need. … Under the status quo, premiums have been skyrocketing year after

year, and choices have been dwindling. We must address these challenges for those who have in-surance coverage and for those who have been pushed out or left out of the insurance market by the Affordable Care Act.”

Mr. Azar signaled that he will continue the push toward value-based care and will use the power of Medicare to lead the rest of the health care delivery system to follow suit.

“We can better channel the power of health in-formation technology and leverage what is best in our programs and in the private competitive mar-ketplace to ensure the individual patient is the center of decision making and his or her needs are being met with greater transparency and ac-countability.”

Regarding the opioid crisis, Mr. Azar said that “we must heed President Trump’s call to action and tackle the scourge of the opioid epidemic that is destroying so many individuals, families, and communities. We need aggressive preven-tion, education, regulatory, and enforcement efforts to stop overprescribing and overuse of these legal and illegal drugs. And we need com-passionate treatment for those suffering from dependence and addiction.”

Mr. Azar also was challenged on women’s health issues, particularly the ability of em-ployers to exclude health insurance coverage of contraception because of religious objections. He noted that there needs to be a balance be-tween the medical needs of the patient and the rights of an organization to follow its con-science.

Mr. Azar also committed during the hearing to working with improving interoperability of electronic health records as well as working with physicians to reduce the associated documenta-tion burden.

Mr. Azar’s appearance before the HELP Com-mittee was a courtesy as the Senate Finance Com-mittee holds jurisdiction over his nomination. No confirmation hearing had been scheduled at press time.



“[We] are happy to let you

know that we are extending

this policy to include all

other internal medicine

subspecialties in the future.”

Regionalized slashes in- hospital deaths - [PDF Document] (10)



Frontline Medical News

AT CHEST 2017 n TORONTO – Catheter-directed thrombolysis of pulmonary embolism using an ultrasound-assisted device led to significantly better outcomes in pa-tients hospitalized for pulmonary embolism, compared with conven-tional systemic thrombolytic treat-ment, in a propensity score–adjusted analysis of nearly 3,400 patients.

Catheter-directed thrombolysis

(CDT) “represents an opportunity to locally treat pulmonary embolism with significant thrombus burden with lower bleeding complications,” Abhishek Mishra, MD, said at the CHEST annual meeting. “I think we are underusing CDT,” said Dr. Mishra, a cardiovascular disease physician at Guthrie Robert Packer Hospital in Sayre, Pa.

Although one CDT device, the

EKOS endovascular system that uses ultrasound to facilitate pulmonary embolism (PE) thrombolysis, re-ceived FDA approval for U.S. mar-keting in 2014, the trials that have compared it with systemic thrombol-ysis have been small, noted Dr. Mish-ra, and none have looked at whether CDT improves patient survival, compared with standard treatments. The largest report on CDT treatment of PE came from a single-arm, un-controlled study with 150 patients who received ultrasound-facilitated

CDT (JACC Cardiovasc Interv. 2015 Aug;8[10]:1382-92).

To better document the incremen-tal benefit from CDT, Dr. Mishra and his associates used data collected by the Nationwide Readmissions Data-base during 2013 and 2014, both be-fore and after a CDT device became available for U.S. use. From among 4,426 patients hospitalized with a primary diagnosis of PE and treat-

ed with thrombolytic therapy, they used propensity score matching to compare 2,256 patients treated with systemic thrombolysis with 1,128 matched patients treated with CDT using tissue plasminogen activator.

The analysis showed that in-hos-pital death was 15% in the systemic patients and 6% in the CDT group, a relative risk reduction of 63%, and 30-day readmissions occurred in 11% of the systemic patients and in 8% of those treated with CDT, a 30% relative risk reduction. Both were statistically significant differ-ences for the study’s two primary endpoints, Dr. Mishra reported at the meeting. Rates of intracerebral hemorrhage and gastrointestinal bleeds were both numerically lower with CDT, and significantly lower for gastrointestinal bleeds.

A multivariate analysis showed CDT was linked with significant relative reductions of about 60% for both in-hospital death and 30-day re-admissions, compared with patients on systemic therapy. The results Dr. Mishra reported also appeared in a published report (Am J Cardiol. 2017 Nov 1;120[9]:1653-61).

These findings help buttress the case for using CDT for at least some PE patients. “The key is which pa-tients need it,” said Victor F. Tapson, MD, a pulmonologist at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles.

“Patients with PE and a normal right ventricle generally don’t need anything more aggressive than antico-

agulation, and really sick patients with massive PE need systemic thrombo-lytics. Intermediate-risk patients” are best suited to CDT, but “the problem is that intermediate-risk patients are heterogeneous,” Dr. Tapson said in a video interview, available at



Evidence mounts for pulmonary embolism benefit from catheter thrombolysis

Infections increase risk of idiopathic VTEBY TERRY L. KAMPS

Frontline Medical News

Infection and infection sites have been found to be associated with a significant increased risk

of venous thromboembolism, according to results of a population-based, matched, case-control analysis of medical records covering the 13-year period 1988-2000.

Dr. Kevin P. Cohoon and his colleagues at the Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn., developed models using conditional logistic regression analysis to stratify the risk associated with specific infections and infection sites.

A total of 1,303 individuals, mean age of 65.2 years, with a first lifetime objectively diagnosed deep vein thrombosis and/or pulmonary embo-lism were identified and paired with 1,494 con-trols without venous thromboembolism (VTE), mean age of 64.9 years. The matches were based

on sex, age, and an episode of medical care within 1 year of the case event date. The case population consisted of 55.6% women, compared with the control population consisting of 55.4% women.

Five hundred thirteen (39.4%) cases and 189 (12.7%) controls had an infection within the previous 92 days (odds ratio, 4.5; P less than .0001). Known VTE risk factors and potentially confounding variables were used in the adjusted univariate and multivariate models, as reported in the American Journal of Medicine (2017. doi: 10.1016/j.amjmed.2017.09.015).

Dr. Cohoon and his colleagues reported that univariate analysis showed “most infection sites were strongly associated with venous thrombo-embolism” and the adjusted multivariate model resulted in 2.4-fold (P less than .0001) higher odds for VTE incidence, compared with unin-fected controls.

Adjusted multivariate analysis ranked the odds of VTE according to specific infections. Dr. Cohoon and his colleagues reported that this modeling showed that the “highest magni-tude of risk, compared with no infection, was imparted by intra-abdominal infection (OR, 18) followed by oral infection (OR, 12), sys-tematic blood stream infection (OR, 11), lowerrespiratory infection such as pneumonia (OR,3.6), and symptomatic urinary tract infection(OR, 2.2).”

The researchers concluded that their findings may allow for further refinement of inpatient VTE risk-prediction models such as the Padua prediction score and “future studies are required to assess the utility of venous thromboembolism prophylaxis among outpatients with high venous thromboembolism risk infections.”

The authors reported that they had no conflicts of interest.

VIEW ON THE NEWSDaniel Ouellette, MD,

FCCP, comments: Recently,


at my hospital

have become

interested in

the use of


rected throm-

bolysis to

treat patients

with hemo-


significant pulmonary em-

bolus. We developed an on-

call, multidisciplinary team

to make treatment decisions

for patients with a significant

pulmonary embolus based on

institutional protocols. While

we await definitive data con-

cerning outcomes for these

exciting new technologies,

the team approach to this

process has led to judicious

and well-thought-out plans

for our patients.

Dr. Abhishek Mishra Dr. Victor F. Tapson


Regionalized slashes in- hospital deaths - [PDF Document] (11)



Frontline Medical News

Critically ill patients who re-ceived transfusions of the freshest-available red cells had

a mortality rate similar to that of patients who received standard-is-sue, oldest-available red cells, according to results from a large randomized trial.

In some earlier studies, transfu-sion of older red cells was linked to increased mortality for critically ill, surgical, and trauma patients. But the new results provide “strong ev-idence” that transfusing very fresh red cells rather than older red cells “provides no clinically meaningful benefits” in the critically ill popu-lation, reported D. James Cooper, MD, of Monash University, Mel-bourne, and his colleagues.

“Our results support the current international usual practice of trans-fusing patients with the oldest red cells available,” the researchers wrote in the report on the trial, known as TRANSFUSE (Standard Issue Trans-fusion versus Fresher Red-Cell Use in Intensive Care).

Red cells are stored up to 42 days and can undergo biochemical, struc-tural, or metabolic changes during

that time that “may cause harm,” the researchers wrote. However, blood banks typically issue the oldest compatible red cell units available to them, and it’s uncertain whether doing so increases mortality.

To see if the age of red cells im-pacted mortality, Dr. Cooper and has colleagues at 59 centers in five countries randomized 4,994 critically ill adults to receive the freshest-available or standard old-est-available red cells (N Engl J Med. 2017;377:1858-67).

At 90 days after transfusion, mor-tality was 24.8% in the group of patients receiving the freshest-avail-able red cells, and 24.1% for the old-est-available group, or an absolute risk difference of just 0.7 percentage points (95% confidence interval, –1.7 to 3.1; P = .57).

“Among the many secondary out-comes tested, we noted a nominal difference in febrile nonhemolytic transfusion reactions that was small, and we are not sure of its clinical significance,” the researchers wrote.

The average duration of red cell storage was 11.8 days versus 22.4 days for the freshest-available and oldest-available groups, respectively.

The TRANSFUSE trial is not the first to suggest that age of red blood

cells does not make a difference in mortality after transfusion. There were two earlier trials, ABLE (Age of Blood Evaluation) and INFORM (Informing Fresh versus Old Red Cell Management) that came to similar conclusions. However, the ABLE trial had a small sample size, and INFORM had “limited outcome data” including a low mortality rate “suggesting low illness severity,” the researchers noted.

“The lower in-hospital mortal-ity in the ICU subgroup in the

INFORM trial (13.0%) than that observed in our trial at 90 days (24.5%) is consistent with lower illness severity in the INFORM pa-tients,” they wrote.

The study was funded by orga-nizations including the Australian National Health and Medical Re-search Council. Dr. Cooper report-ed receiving consulting fees from Eustralis Pharmaceuticals that were paid to Monash University. No other potential conflicts of interest were reported.


Red cell age: No impact on mortality after transfusion

Alarm reductions don’t improve ICU response timesBY MITCHEL L. ZOLER

Frontline Medical News

AT CHEST 2017 n TORONTO – It will take more than a reduction in alarms to address the issue of alarm fatigue in the ICU; a change in the ICU staff culture is needed, suggests new research.

“It may take years to recondition clinicians [to realize] that alarms are actionable and must get a response,” Afua Kunadu, MD, said during her presentation on the study at the CHEST annual meeting. Results from prior studies had suggest-ed that as many as 99% of clinical alarms do not result in clinical intervention, noted Dr. Kunadu, an internal medicine physician at Harlem Hospi-tal Center in New York.

A program run at Dr. Kunadu’s hospital showed that cutting back in alarm number alone did not lead to better response times to alarms. Counterintuitively, response times worsened as the total number of alarms fell. “This was a big surprise,” Dr. Kunadu said. Dealing with this issue will “require a shift of focus from alarm fatigue to response time. Even though we made the alarms more actionable, the conditioning re-mained” that most alarms are not actionable.

She described the program, which started in the 20-bed adult ICU of Harlem Hospital Center,

following a 2014 National Patient Safety Goal issued by The Joint Commission to improve the safety of clinical alarm systems by reducing un-needed alarms and alarm fatigue. The Harlem Hospital task force that ran the program began

with an audit of alarms that went off in the ICU and used the results to identify the three most common alarms: bedside cardiac monitors, in-fusion pumps, and mechanical ventilators. The task force arranged to reset the default settings on these devices to decrease alarm frequency and boost the clinical importance of each alarm that still sounded. Concurrently, they ran educa-tional sessions about the new alarm thresholds, the anticipated drop in alarm number, and the increased urgency to respond to the remaining alarms very quickly for the ICU staff.

The raised thresholds effectively cut the num-ber of alarms. The average number of alarms per patient per hour fell from 4.5 at baseline during September 2016 to about 2 after 1 month, during December 2016. Then the rate further declined to reach a steady nadir that stayed at about 1.3 alarms per patient per hour 4 months into the program.

But timely responses, measured as the per-centage of alarm responses occurring within 60 seconds after the alarm went off, fell from 60% at 1 month into the program down to 12% after 4 months, Dr. Kunadu reported.

She had no [emailprotected]

On Twitter @mitchelzoler

Dr. Afua Kunadu


“It may take years to recondition

clinicians [to realize] that alarms are

actionable and must get a response.”


Regionalized slashes in- hospital deaths - [PDF Document] (12)



Frontline Medical News

AT CHEST 2017 n TORONTO – Hospitalized patients with acute kid-ney injury had more than double the inpatient rate of venous thrombo-embolism than did patients without acute kidney injury in a prospective, observational study of more than 6,000 hospitalized U.S. soldiers.

“I think this should lower our threshold for investigating [possible cases of] venous thromboembolism in patients with acute kidney inju-ry,” Michael McMahon, MD, said at the CHEST annual meeting. Acute kidney injury (AKI) “may require new prophylactic or diagnostic strategies” to prevent in-hospital venous thromboembolism (VTE) or to detect it early, said Dr. McMahon, a pulmonologist and critical care medicine physician at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Md.

He offered four possible mecha-nisms to explain a link between AKI and VTE:• Patients with AKI are in a hyper-

coagulable state.• AKI alters the pharmacodynamics

or pharmaco*kinetics of VTE pro-phylactic treatments.

• AKI is a marker of an illness thatcauses VTE.

• VTE leads to an increased rateof AKI rather than the other wayaround.Dr. McMahon’s analysis also re-

vealed that two other clinical con-ditions that are generally believed to raise VTE risk – obesity and im-paired overall renal function iden-tified with stagnant measures – did not correspond with a significantly elevated VTE rate in this study.

The data came from 6,552 adults hospitalized for at least 2 days at


Acute kidney injury linked with doubled inpatient VTEsWalter Reed between September 2009 and March 2011. The study excluded patients with VTE at the time of admission and also those who had been treated with an anti-

coagulant at the time of admission. The patients averaged 55 years of age and were hospitalized for a median of 4 days. About 22% of patients received VTE prophylaxis

with unfractionated heparin, about 41% received prophylaxis with low-molecular-weight heparin, and about 39% received no VTE pro-phylaxis (percentages total 102%

Dr. Michael McMahon


Regionalized slashes in- hospital deaths - [PDF Document] (13)


because of rounding).About 16% of the patients had

been diagnosed with AKI at the time of admission, and an additional 8% developed AKI while hospi-talized, defined as an increase in serum creatinine during hospitaliza-tion of at least 50% above baseline levels or an increase of more than 0.3 mg/dL above the level at time

of admission. During hospitaliza-tion, 160 patients (2%) developed a new-onset VTE.

In an analysis that adjusted for baseline differences in type of sur-gery, body mass index, sex, age, and prior hospitalizations during the prior 90 days, the results showed that patients with preexisting or new-onset AKI had a 2.2-fold

higher rate of VTE, compared with patients without AKI, and this dif-ference was statistically significant, Dr. McMahon reported.

The analysis also showed a sig-nificant 62% relatively higher rate of VTE among soldiers hospitalized for a deployment-related event, as well as a significant 63% relatively lower VTE rate among patients

not receiving medical prophylaxis, compared with patients receiving an anticoagulant. Dr. McMahon sug-gested that this lower rate of VTEs among patients not on prophylaxis reflected success in identifying which patients had an increased risk for VTE and hence received prophylaxis.


Regionalized slashes in- hospital deaths - [PDF Document] (14)



Pulmonary hypertension treatment gets under the skinBY HEIDI SPLETE

Frontline Medical News

FROM CHEST n Pulmonary arterialhypertension (PAH) patients with

moderate, stable disease can benefit from an implantable drug delivery system, based on data from a review of 60 adults with successful implan-tations. The findings were published

in the December issue of CHEST. “A fully implanted system offers

patients the hope of returning to more normal activities such as bathing, swimming, and reduced

risk of infections from externalized central venous catheter contam-ination or reduced subcutaneous pain from subcutaneous infusion,” wrote Aaron B. Waxman, MD, PhD, of Brigham and Women’s Hos-pital, Boston, and his colleagues (Chest. 2017 June 3. doi: 10.1016/j.chest.2017.04.188).

In the DelIVery Trial, clinicians at 10 locations in the United States placed a fully implantable delivery system in adults aged 18 years and older with stable PAH who were

previously receiving treprostinil via an external pump at an average dose of 71 ng/kg per minute.

All 60 patients were successfully implanted with a system consisting of a drug infusion pump placed in an abdominal pocket and an intra-vascular catheter linking the im-planted pump to the superior vena cava.

“The location of the pump pocket was determined in partnership with the patient and was based on con-sideration of clothing styles, belt line and subcutaneous fat depth,” the researchers noted.

Procedure-related complications deemed clinically significant in-cluded one atrial fibrillation, two incidences of pneumothorax, two infections unrelated to catheter placement, and three catheter dis-locations (two in the same patient). The most common patient com-plaints were expected implant site pain in 83% and bruising in 17%.

The findings were limited by the small number of patients, but the researchers identified several factors that contributed to the success of the procedure, including selecting patients who have shown response to treprostinil and are motivated to comply with pump refill visits, performing the procedure at centers with a high volume of PAH patients,

“A fully implanted system offers

patients the hope of returning

to more normal activities such

as bathing, swimming, and

reduced risk of infections from

externalized central venous

catheter contamination or

reduced subcutaneous pain

from subcutaneous infusion.”

Continued on following page

Regionalized slashes in- hospital deaths - [PDF Document] (15)


keeping the procedure consistent for each patient, and using the same implant team in each case. “The implant procedure was successfully performed with a low complication rate by clinicians with a diverse range of specialty training,” the re-searchers added.

Patients reported satisfaction with the implant system at 6 weeks and 6 months, and said they spent an average of 75% less time managing their delivery system, according to previously published data on the patients’ perspective (CHEST 2016;150[1]:27-34).

Medtronic sponsored the study. The lead author, Dr. Waxman, reported not having any financial conflicts to disclose; several coau-thors reported relationships with companies including Medtronic, Actelion, Bayer, Gilead, Merck, and United Therapeutics.


Implant may improve quality of life for stable PAH patients 7KH�GHYHORSPHQW�RI�DQ�LPSODQWDEOH�WKHUDS\�IRU�

pulmonary hypertension could expand the use of

treprostinil, a demonstrated effective treatment

for PAH that has been limited in its use because

of a range of side effects when given intrave-

nously, orally, subcutaneously, or by inhalation,

Joel A. Wirth, MD, and Harold I. Palevsky, MD,



infusion system for stable PAH patients could

help them return more quickly to normal activ-

ities and curb the risk of catheter-related infec-

tions, they said. “Having the potential to remove

some of the burden and risk incumbent with an

external delivery system may reduce several of

the overall barriers to continuous intravenous

prostanoid acceptance by both patients and




plant procedure itself, and care centers must be

trained in identifying patient management issues

and refilling the pump reservoir as needed, Dr.

Wirth and Dr. Palevsky emphasized. Patients must

be educated in what to expect, including how to

monitor the pump and track the need for refills,

they said. Although the pump is not appropriate

for patients with severe PAH, “a planned staged

approach of transitioning PAH patients from IV

therapy to a less complex system could lend itself

to employing prostanoid use earlier and for less

severely affected PAH patients,” they said.

Dr. Wirth is affiliated with Tufts University, Boston. Dr.

Palevsky is affiliated with the University of Pennsylvania,

Philadelphia. Both Dr. Wirth and Dr. Palevsky disclosed

serving as consultants and as principal investigators for

United Therapeutics.


Frontline Medical News

COLORADO SPRINGS – Reconsid-eration of the role of pulmonary hypertension in heart transplant outcomes is appropriate in the emerging era of the use of left ventricular assist devices (LVADs) as a bridge to trans-plant, according to Ann C. Gaffey, MD, of the University of Pennsylvania, Phil-adelphia.

“Pulmonary hy-pertension second-ary to congestive heart failure more than likely can be reversed to the values acceptable for heart trans-plant by the use of an LVAD. For bridge-to-transplant patients, pre-transplant pulmonary hypertension does not affect recipient outcomes post transplantation,” she said at the annual meeting of the Western Tho-racic Surgical Association.

Historically, pulmonary hyperten-sion (PH) has been associated with early mortality due to right heart failure and poor transplant survival. An influential report of more than a decade ago by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Working Group on Cellular and Molecular

Mechanisms of Heart Failure con-cluded that patients with severe PH as defined by more than 3 Wood units plus poor right ventricular function have a 2-year survival of less than 50% (Circulation. 2006 Oct;114[17]:1883-91).

Vasodilators are prescribed in an effort to reduce PH; however, 40% of patients with PH are unresponsive to the medications and have therefore been excluded from consideration as potential candidates for a donor heart.

But the growing use of LVADs as a

bridge to transplant has changed all that, Dr. Gaffey said. As supporting evidence, she presented a retrospec-tive analysis of the United Network for Organ Sharing database on adult heart transplants from mid-2004 through the end of 2014.

The review turned up 3,951 heart transplant recipients who had been bridged to transplant with an LVAD. Dr. Gaffey and her coinvestigators divided them into three groups: 281 patients without pretransplant PH; 1,454 with moderate PH as defined by 1-3 Wood units; and 592 with severe PH and more than 3 Wood units.

The three groups didn’t differ in terms of age, sex, wait-list time, or the prevalence of diabetes or renal, liver, or cerebrovascular disease. Nor did their donors differ in age, sex, left ventricular function, or allograft ischemic time.

Key in-hospital outcomes were similar between the groups with no, mild, and severe PH.

Moreover, there was no between-group difference in the rate of re-jection at 1 year. Five-year survival rates were closely similar in the three groups, in the mid-70% range.

Audience member Nahush A. Mokadam, MD, rose to praise Dr. Gaffey’s report.

“This is a great and important study. I think as a group we have been too conservative with pulmo-nary hypertension, so thank you for shining a good light on it,” said Dr. Mokadam of the University of Washington, Seattle.

Dr. Gaffey reported having no financial conflicts regarding the study, which was conducted free of commercial support.



Heart transplantation: Preop LVAD erases adverse impact of pulmonary hypertension

Continued from previous page

In-hospital outcomes after LVAD bridge to transplant













Postop stroke

before discharge

Acute rejection




Notes: No signi�cant between-group differences were found. Based on data from the United

Network for Organ Sharing for heart transplants from mid-2004 through the end of 2014.

Source: Dr. Gaffey


(n = 281)


hypertension status


(n = 1,454)


(n = 592)

)URQWOLQH�0HGLFDO�1HZV“Pulmonary hypertension

secondary to congestive

heart failure more than

likely can be reversed

to the values acceptable

for heart transplant by

the use of an LVAD.”

Regionalized slashes in- hospital deaths - [PDF Document] (16)



Frontline Medical News

SAN DIEGO – Using an on-site multidisciplinary team to approach patients who are unwilling to receive tuberculosis treatment can improve patient cooperation, according to a case study presented at ID Week 2017, an infectious disease meeting.

Such public health interventions may be able to improve disease control and interrupt the transmis-sion cycle among patients who are not adhering to treatment, according to Aisha Haynie, MD, MPA.

The first patient Dr. Haynie and her colleagues interacted with as a team was a young female adult diagnosed with active TB, who had been going back and forth from the hospital over the course of 10 months, according to Dr. Haynie.

“We started the patient on treatment and she actually decided to move into a motel,” said Dr. Haynie. “After that, she moved back into the fam-ily home and said she wasn’t having any contact [with residents], which we didn’t really believe.”

While the patient did reluctantly give Dr. Haynie and her team a list of five family mem-bers to test, the patient told Dr. Haynie that she and her team were not allowed into the patient’s home.

When the five members were tested, the new patients showed similar signs of reluctance and mistrust of the health system.

“The family members came to our clinic and two of them were TB positive,” recounted Dr. Haynie. “So they came back, but while they were sitting in the waiting room, they signed papers and they left.”

Despite continuous attempts to reach the fam-ily and address the growing concern from health professionals of the danger of TB transmission to other members of the family, the patients contin-ued not to adhere to procedures beyond pharma-ceutical intervention.

In an attempt to directly contact the patient’s family, Dr. Haynie led a team consisting of a local health authority physician, a TB nurse practitioner, a TB contact analyst, a nurse case manager, a county attorney, and an interpreter for unsched-uled visits to family members individually.

“We had specific requests [including] keeping appointments, getting labs, and we added a dead-line,” said Dr. Haynie, chief of disease control and medical epidemiology for Harris County (Tex.) Public Health & Environmental Services. “By the next Friday [we told them that] we were filing court papers with or without the information and we [would] be contacting child protective ser-vices as well.”

Following the intervention, the patient and her family adhered to testing procedures. This re-vealed an infant with active TB and 8 other fami-ly members with TB infection. Isolation breaches were also discovered. Most importantly, the TB

transmission cycle was interrupted, according to Dr. Haynie.

A key aspect of the team’s successful approach was to address cultural and economic barriers that hindered successful interaction with the fam-ily and to correct TB misconceptions in order for a trusting relationship to develop.

The investigators developed this intervention in Harris County, which at 4.3 million residents is the 3rd most populous U.S. county and has reported a TB rate of 7.6 cases per 100,000, or approximately double that of the U.S. average, according to Dr. Haynie. Of those cases in Harris County, 73% are foreign-born, compared with the average rate of 59% in Texas.

Dr. Haynie and fellow investigators asserted that part of the reason patients were so reluctant to receive treatment from the Harris County Public Health department was a combination of mistrust in the system and a number of false ideas patients have regarding TB, a sign of further educational tools being needed.

Since the first use of the intervention, Dr. Haynie and her team have implemented this approach with other non-adherent patients with relative success.

“This is something that we now do and we have not been back to court [to enforce compliance] since,” said Dr. Haynie.


On Twitter @eaztweets


Tuberculosis transmission stemmed

ARDS incidence is declining; is it a preventable syndrome?BY DEBRA L. BECK

Frontline Medical News

AT CHEST 2017 n TORONTO – The incidence of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is on the decline, according to a retrospective, popula-tion-based cohort study conducted at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn.

“This is very promising data in combating this syndrome,” said Au-gustin Joseph of the Mayo Clinic, and “it suggests that ARDS may in part be a completely preventable disease.”

This study was inspired by a pre-vious effort by Guangxi Li et al. who conducted a population-based cohort study on trends in ARDS us-ing data from the Olmsted County (Minn.) Epidemiology Project from 2001 to 2008 (Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2011;183:59-66). At that time, a steady and significant decline in ARDS incidence was noted, attribut-able to a reduced incidence of hospi-tal-acquired ARDS. “We attributed this to improvements in hospital practices and management of ARDS and all the research that’s been done

over the past 2 decades,” Mr. Joseph said at the CHEST annual meeting.

To see if ARDS incidence has continued to decline, Mr. Joseph’s group studied all patients admit-ted during 2009-2014 to the Mayo Clinic’s ICU, the only facility in the county that cares for ARDS patients. From 82,388 ICU admissions, they identified 505 patients with ARDS according to the Berlin definition of ARDS developed in 2012.

The number of annual cases dropped from 108 in 2009 to 59 in 2014, and the incidence steadily de-clined from 74.5 cases per 100,000 in 2009 to 39.3 per 100,000 in 2014.

Median age was 67 years in 2009 and 62 years in 2014. Hospital mortality ranged from 15% to 26% during the study period, while hospi-tal length of stay ranged from 8 to 15 days, with no clear decline in either.

While the earlier study used the American-European Consensus Con-ference (AECC) definition of ARDS, Mr. Joseph and his colleagues diag-nosed ARDS according to the Berlin definition.

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RA ups risk of hospitalizations from COPDBY ANDREW D. BOWSER

Frontline Medical News

Individuals with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) had an increased risk of hospitalizations from

chronic obstructive pulmonary dis-ease (COPD) when compared with the general population in a Canadi-an retrospective, population-based cohort study.

The risk of COPD hospitalizations was 47% higher in individuals with RA. “This finding emphasizes the need to control inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis, not only to prevent joint damage, but also to prevent complications of systemic inflammation, including the devel-opment of comorbidities such as cardiovascular diseases and COPD,” wrote Diane Lacaille, MD, of the University of British Columbia, Van-couver, and her coauthors (Arthritis Care Res. 2017 Oct 19. doi: 10.1002/acr.23410).

Several previous studies have suggested a link between COPD

and inflammation, Dr. Lacaille and her colleagues said. Accordingly, they sought to evaluate the risk of COPD hospitalizations in a cohort of 24,625 individuals with RA as compared with 25,396 general population controls randomly se-lected and matched based on age, sex, and index year. Most subjects in the analysis were female, and the mean age at onset of RA was 57.2 years.

The investigators reported an increased incidence of COPD in individuals with RA, compared with controls, based on an incident rate ratio (IRR) of 1.58 (95% confidence interval, 1.34-1.87) that dropped to 1.47 (95% CI, 1.24-1.74) after ad-justment for potential confounders, including comorbidities and health services usage at baseline. The overall incidence rate for COPD was 2.07 per 1,000 patient-years for RA patients and 1.31 per 1,000 pa-tient-years for controls.

When the model was stratified based on sex, COPD hospitalization

risk was significantly increased in women (adjusted hazard ratio [HR], 1.61; 95% CI, 1.30-1.98), but not in men (adjusted HR, 1.25; 95% CI, 0.95-1.66), they said.

Data were not available on smok-ing, the main COPD risk factor, for the patients in this study; however, the increased risk of COPD hospital-izations in the RA group remained significant after modeling for smok-ing, according to the investigators.

Combined, these results have “notable implications for the clinical care of RA and COPD,” Dr. Lacaille and her coinvestigators said.

Both clinicians and people liv-ing with RA “should be aware of the increased risk of developing COPD and be vigilant in watching for early symptoms of COPD, so that appropriate diagnostic tests can be administered at the onset of early symptoms,” they wrote. “Ear-ly detection of COPD is essential so that effective treatments can be initiated before irreversible dam-age to the lungs occurs, to improve

long-term outcomes.”These findings strengthen

the conclusions of two previous cross-sectional studies showing an association between RA and COPD prevalence, according to the investigators. In one study, RA pa-tients in Israel who were receiving disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs had double the prevalence of COPD, compared with general population controls, according to authors of that study (Immunol Res. 2013;56[2-3]:261-6). Similarly, U.K. investigators compared 421 RA pa-tients against controls and reported a twofold increase in obstructive pattern on screening spirometry in the RA group (Ann Rheum Dis. 2013;72:1517-23).

The current study from Dr. La-caille and her coinvestigators was supported by funding from the Canadian Institute for Health Re-search. The authors reported that they had no financial disclosures, conflicts of interest, or benefits from commercial sources.

Omalizumab helps asthma COPD overlap patientsBY DEBRA L. BECK

Frontline Medical News

AT CHEST 2017 n TORONTO – Omalizumab (Xolair, Genentech) decreased asthma exacerba-tions and improved symptom control to a similar extent in patients with asthma chronic obstruc-tive pulmonary disease (ACO) overlap as seen in patients with asthma but no COPD, in a study presented at the CHEST annual meeting.

While patients with COPD typically experience annual declines in lung function, at least some of the ACO patients in this study, which included one of the largest observational cohorts to date of patients with ACO, showed preserved lung func-tion after 48 weeks of omalizumab treatment.

“These data deal with a topic that we scratch our heads about all the time – the asthma COPD overlap. … Few of our therapies for asthma have been studied in this patient population,” said Nicola Hanania, MD, FCCP, of Baylor College of Medicine in Houston. “We believe that about 16% of patients with asthma or COPD have ACO,” he added.

Dr. Hanania presented data from the “real- world” PROSPERO (Prospective Study to Evaluate Predictors of Clinical Effectiveness in Response to Omalizumab), which unlike many asthma studies, did not exclude patients with comorbid COPD. PROSPERO was a prospec-tive, multicenter, observational, 48-week study of patients (n = 806) who were 12 years of age and older who were initiating omalizumab treat-ment for moderate to severe allergic asthma. Asthma control was assessed monthly using the

Asthma Control Test (ACT). Participants were identified as having ACO

based on two approaches: a positive medical his-tory of asthma and COPD; or A medical history of asthma (but not COPD), at least a 10-pack per year smoking history, and a forced expiratory volume in 1 second/forced vital capacity (FEV1/FVC) of less than 0.7. From the 728 study partici-pants included in this secondary analysis, 56 were classified as ACO according to the first definition (ACO cohort A) and 59 according to the second (ACO cohort B). Thirty-seven patients fell into both groups.

“All groups had a reduction in their exacerba-tion rates through 12 months, and it didn’t differ whether they had ACO in cohort A or cohort B, or no ACO,” Dr. Hanania reported. Specifically, asthma exacerbations numbers were reduced from baseline levels though month 12, from 3 or

more exacerbations in both ACO and non ACO groups to 1.1 or less.

Additionally, all three groups showed clinically meaningful improvements in their ACT scores, with mean improvements of 4.1, 4.7, and 4.4 units for ACO cohort A, ACO cohort B, and non-ACO patients, respectively.

Postbronchodilator FEV1 at study end was im-proved by 36 mL in ACO cohort A and by 23 mL in the non-ACO cohort. But a 14 mL reduction in postbronchodilator FEV1 was noted in ACO cohort B, “a reminder that the cohort B popula-tion was those patients with fixed airway obstruc-tion and smoking history,” said Dr. Hanania.

Mean age in the non-ACO population was 50 years, rising to 57.6 years in ACO cohort A and 55 years in ACO cohort B. All three groups had three or more asthma exacerbations in the 12 months before starting omalizumab, and all groups had mean ACT scores of less than 15 at baseline, indi-cating that they were all symptomatic.

Adverse events were consistent with the known safety profile of omalizumab.

“The significance of this study [is that] it’s one of the largest ACO cohorts that we know of and I think it encourages all of us to look at or re-visit both COPD therapies and asthma therapies in populations [not included] in clinical trials be-cause in real life, these are the patients we see … and we don’t have evidence,” Dr. Hanania said.

Dr. Hanania reported receiving research sup-port from Roche/Genentech, among other com-panies. Three of the investigators are employees of Genentech, the study’s sponsor.

Dr. Nicola Hanania


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Frontline Medical News

Anew drug that targets the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator pro-tein could significantly improve lung func-

tion and other symptoms in patients with cystic fibrosis.

In a phase 3 double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover trial, researchers examined the effects of tezacaftor – a cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) corrector – in combination with the CFTR potentiator ivacaftor, compared with ivacaftor alone or placebo.

According to a paper published in the New En-gland Journal of Medicine, the 248 cystic fibrosis patients enrolled in the study were heterozygous for the CFTR Phe508del mutation, which can be associated with more severe disease, and a second CFTR mutation that is called a “residual func-tion” mutation. Approximately 5% of the patients with cystic fibrosis exhibit residual CFTR activity in epithelial cells, for example. Patients with one residual function mutation and a second CFTR mutation have a reduced life expectancy but the symptoms have a slower progression.

“The addition of the CFTR corrector tezacaftor was hypothesized to enhance clinical benefit in patients with these mutations by increasing over-all CFTR function,” wrote Dr. Steven M. Rowe of the division of pulmonary, allergy, and critical care medicine at the University of Alabama at Birmingham and his coauthors. “This combi-nation treatment is particularly important for restoring activity to those carrying two copies of the Phe508del CFTR mutation, as shown for the approved corrector-potentiator combination

lumacaftor-ivacaftor, and may provide benefit to patients with other CFTR mutations.”

After two 8-week treatment periods in which patients were randomized to two of the three reg-imens, separated by an 8-week washout period, researchers saw significant improvements in pre-dicted forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1),both with tezacaftor-ivacaftor and ivacaftor alone, compared with placebo (N Engl J Med. 2017 Nov 23;377:2024-35. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1709847).

From baseline to the average of week 4 and 8, the combination of tezacaftor-ivacaftor was associated with a 6.8-percentage-point absolute change, and there was a 4.7-percentage-point improvement with ivacaftor alone, compared with placebo. The difference between the tezacaftor-ivacaftor combination and ivacaftor monotherapy was also statistically significant in favor of the combination treatment.

Researchers also saw significant improvements in the secondary endpoint of absolute change in the Cystic Fibrosis Questionnaire–Revised score; the combination treatment was associated with an 11.1 point improvement compared with placebo, and monotherapy achieved a 9.7-point improvement. In the combination therapy group, 65% of patients achieved a clinically important difference of 4 points or greater, compared with 58% of patients in the monotherapy group and 33% of patients in the placebo group.

“These findings confirm the benefits of po-tentiator therapy in patients with residual CFTR function mutations and the added benefit con-ferred by corrector-potentiator combination ther-apy in this population,” the authors wrote.

The investigators also saw a lower rate of pulmo-nary exacerbations in the combined therapy group,

but this did not reach statistical significance.The rate of adverse events was similar across

all three groups. Most were considered mild or moderate in severity and were largely clinical manifestations of cystic fibrosis.

Vertex Pharmaceuticals, which manufactures tezacaftor and ivacaftor, funded the study. Twelve of the 13 authors reported receiving various kinds of support from Vertex, including personal fees, grant support, and nonfinancial support. Several authors reported ties to other industry sources.



Tezacaftor-ivacaftor combo shows promise in CFSusan Millard, MD, FCCP, comments: 7KLV�






















Expanded testing improves respiratory pathogen detectionBY ELI ZIMMERMAN

Frontline Medical News

SAN DIEGO – Systematic testing of acute respiratory illness patients can increase the likelihood of finding relevant pathogens, according to a study presented at an annual scien-tific meeting on infectious diseases.

Currently, hospitals conduct ei-ther nonroutine assessments or rely heavily on clinical laboratory test-ing among severe acute respiratory illness patients, which can lead to missing clinically key viruses.

“Detections of some potentially relevant viruses, such as air influenza viruses and human metapneumovirus were often not detected in hospital testing,” said presenter Andrea Stef-fens, an epidemiologist at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Systematic testing expands on tests ordered and carried out at hos-pitals, expanding on them by testing for influenza, respiratory syncytial

virus (RSV), human metapneu-movirus, rhinovirus and enterovi-rus, adenovirus, coronavirus, and parainfluenza viruses 1-4. To test the efficacy of systematic testing, investigators studied 2,216 severe acute respiratory illness patients hospitalized in one of three hospi-tals in Minnesota during September 2015-August 2016. Patients were

predominantly younger than 5 years old (57%) and had one or more chronic medical condition (63%).

Detection of at least one virus in-creased from 1,062 patients (48%) to 1,600 patients (72%) when compar-ing clinically ordered tests against expanded, systematic RT-PCR test-ing conducted through the Minne-sota Health Department (MDH).

By patient age, viral detection in-creased by 27%, 24%, 18%, and 21% for patients aged younger than 5 years, 5-17 years, 18-64 years, and 65 years and older, respectively. Except for in-fluenza viruses and RSV, the propor-tions of viruses identified, regardless of age, were all lower in hospital test-ing, compared with MDH testing.

“RSV targeting was almost system-atic among children less than 5 years, but [accounted for] only 28% of RSV detection,” said Dr. Steffens in her presentation. “A smaller proportion of other respiratory viruses, includ-ing the human metapneumovirus,

were detected at the hospital, and this was especially true for adults.”

Patients with rhinovirus and entero-virus saw a difference between hospi-tal and expanded testing, increasing from a little over 300 patients detect-ed, to nearly 800 patients.

“Patients admitted to the ICU were less likely to have a pathogen detection than those not admitted to the ICU, and those with one or more chronic medical conditions had low-er viral detection than those with-out,” Dr. Steffens said. “While testing at MDH did increase the percent of patients in each category, trends re-mained consistent and significant.”

Since testing information was only collected for patients with positive test results at the hospital, investiga-tors were not able to compare test-ing practices between patients with and without viruses.

The presenters reported no rele-vant financial disclosures.


This negative-stained transmission

electron micrograph (TEM) depicts

the ultrastructural details of an

influenza virus particle, or “virion.”


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FDA approves epinephrine autoinjector for infantsBY CATHERINE COOPER NELLIST

Frontline Medical News

The Food and Drug Administration approved an epinephrine autoinjector

constructed specifically to treat life-threat-ening allergic reactions in infants and small children weighing 16.5-33 pounds.

The Auvi-Q 0.1 mg autoinjector by kaléo was approved after a priority review by the FDA, with features such as “a voice prompt system that guides a user with step-by-step

instructions through the delivery process,” according to a written statement from the company. This autoinjector has a shorter needle length and lower dose of epineph-rine than other FDA-approved 0.15-mg and 0.3-mg epinephrine autoinjectors.

In a previous study of 51 infants with a mean weight of 24 pounds who were treat-ed with a 0.15-mg epinephrine autoinjector with a standard 12.7-mm needle length, 43% were at risk of having the needle strike the bone. Unintentional injection of epi-

nephrine into the intraosseous space can cause systemic absorption of the epineph-rine and possible cardiac complications (Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2017 Jun;118[6]:719-25.e1).

This new autoinjector with a shorter needle length was designed to obviate this problem, according to kaléo’s statement.

The Auvi-Q 0.1 mg autoinjector should be available to patients in the first half of 2018, the company said.




Testing for latent tuberculosis infectionDr. Skolnik is professor of fam-

ily and community medicine at

Sidney Kimmel Medical College,

Thomas Jefferson University,

Philadelphia, and associate di-

rector of the family medicine

residency program at Abington

(Pa.) Jefferson Health. Dr. Clark

is associate director of the family

medicine residency program at

Abington (Pa.) Jefferson Health.



Frontline Medical News

While cases of active tubercu-losis are relatively rare in the United States, TB is a major

cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. In the United States, there are an estimated 11 million individuals who have latent TB in-fection (LTBI). Without prophylac-tic treatment, somewhere between 4%-6% of individuals with LTBI will develop active disease during their lifetimes; roughly half of these cases will occur within a few years of the initial infection. Treatment of LTBI reduces – but does not eliminate – the risk for active disease, decreasing the consequences of active disease for the patient and the risk of transmit-ting infection to others.

Guidelines from the American Thoracic Society, the Infectious Dis-eases Society of America, and the Centers for Disease Control and Pre-vention have been issued with new recommendations for optimal testing strategies for detecting LTBI. The recommended strategies are based on two criteria: the risk of being infected with TB and, in those with LTBI, the risk of progressing to active disease.

Diagnostic tests for LTBI

The tuberculin skin test (TST) has been the standard method of diag-nosing LTBI. It involves measuring induration caused by a delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction to Myco-bacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) 2 or 3 days after injecting the reagent into the skin. The TST can result in false positives when detecting anti-bodies to BCG and nontuberculous mycobacteria, and false negatives when the patient does not demon-strate a robust immune response. A newer testing method is the

Interferon Gamma Release Assay (IGRA), which involves phlebotomy, followed by a series of laboratory procedures that measure IFN-gam-ma release by T cells that have been sensitized to Mtb. The sensitivity of IGRA is similar to the TST, but it has better specificity; it is much less likely to react to antigens from BCG or nontuberculous mycobacteria. As detailed below, this guideline sug-gests a significantly more prominent role for IGRA, compared with previ-ous recommendations.

Recommendation 1. Perform an IGRA, rather than a TST, in individ-uals 5 years or older who meet the following criteria: 1) are likely to be infected with Mtb; 2) have a low or intermediate risk of disease progres-sion; 3) in whom it has been decided that testing for LTBI is warranted. A TST is an acceptable alternative, par-ticularly if an IGRA is not available, is too costly, or is too burdensome. If an individual either has a history of BCG vaccination or is unlikely to return to have their TST read, then it is strongly recommended to use the IGRA as the test of choice.

Recommendation 2. There are insufficient data to recommend a preference for either a TST or an IGRA as the first-line diagnostic test in individuals 5 years or older who are likely to be infected with Mtb, who have a high risk of progression to active disease, and in whom it has been determined that diag-nostic testing for LTBI infection is warranted; either test would be ac-ceptable. In very high-risk patients, consider dual testing, with a posi-tive result from either test (TST or IGRA) being considered positive.

Recommendation 3. Guidelines do not recommend testing for persons

at low risk for Mtb infection. Howev-er, the authors recognize that testing in such persons may nevertheless be mandated in certain situations (for example in some school or child care settings). In these cases, the authors recommend performing an IGRA instead of a TST, to minimize the chance of a false-positive result, al-though a TST is an acceptable alter-native. Furthermore, if the initial test is positive, they suggest performing a confirmatory test (either an IGRA or TST) and considering the person in-fected only if both tests are positive.

Recommendation 4. The authors suggest performing a TST rather than an IGRA in healthy children less than 5 years of age for whom it has been decided that diagnostic testing for LTBI is warranted. This recommendation reflects the limited body of evidence regarding IGRA testing in young children and the apparent decreased sensitivity (that is, more false negatives) in this pop-ulation, compared with TST use.

In the area of serial testing for TB infection, often done in health care and institutional settings, the guide-line points out areas of uncertainty with IGRA testing. Specifically, the IGRA test is subject to variability in readings and boosting with antigen exposure that can complicate inter-pretation of apparent conversion

on repeat testing. One longitudinal study showed conversion rates with IGRA to be six to nine times high-er than that seen for the TST, and those conversions were thought to represent false-positive tests. The guideline concludes that, “There is insufficient information available to guide the establishment of definitive criteria for the conversion.” The com-mittee thought that a positive test in a low-risk individual was likely to be a false-positive result and rec-ommended repeat testing. Because of the possibility of boosting with antigen exposure in situations where dual testing is anticipated, it may be preferable to obtain a specimen for IGRA prior to, or concurrently with TST placement.

Bottom line

Current guidelines suggest a more prominent role for IGRA in testing for LTBI, particularly when the likelihood of exposure is low and in situations where a person may have received BCG vaccination, or would be unlike-ly to return for TST reading.


Lewisohn DM et al. Official American Thoracic

Society/Infectious Diseases Society of Ameri-

ca/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Clinical Practice Guidelines: Diagnosis of Tu-

berculosis in Adults and Children. Clin Inf Dis.


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Frontline Medical News

WASHINGTON – In patients with epilepsy, treatment of obstructive sleep apnea with continuous pos-itive airway pressure may lead to substantial and sustained reductions in seizure activity, according to data presented at the annual meeting of the American Epilepsy Society.

The reduction in seizure activity with continuous positive airway pressure (cPAP) in patients with ep-ilepsy contributes to other evidence that poor sleep quality is an im-portant but preventable risk factor for seizures, according to Thapanee Somboon, MD, a research fellow at the Sleep Disorders Center at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio.

“We think many clinicians over-look the relationship of sleep to risk of seizures,” Dr. Somboon said. “All patients with epilepsy should be checked for sleep disorders, in-cluding insomnia and sleep apnea, because these are associated with seizures and are easily treated.”

In this study, which was character-ized as the largest yet to evaluate the effect of cPAP on seizure activity, all 197 patients had epilepsy but only 122

had obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Of those with OSA, 73 were treated with cPAP and 49 were not. An additional 75 patients with epilepsy but no OSA were also treated with cPAP. Seizure activity in all groups was evaluated over a period of 1 year.

Treatment success, defined as no seizure activity or at least a 50% reduction from baseline in seizure activity, was achieved in 85% of those with OSA treated with cPAP, 55% of those with OSA that did not receive cPAP, and 65% of those who were treated with cPAP but did not have OSA.

The difference was even greater among those with seizure activity in the 6 months prior to cPAP use. In these, a 50% or greater reduction in seizure activity was achieved in 63% of those with OSA treated with cPAP but in only 14% of those with OSA that did not receive cPAP. In the group without OSA, 44% achieved a 50% or greater reduction in seizure activity from baseline on cPAP.

“Epilepsy patients without OSA also appeared to benefit from cPAP, although prospective data are need-ed to further explore this observa-tion,” Dr. Somboon said.

All patients remained on anti-

epileptic drugs over the course of study, and the drug levels were not different between groups, according to Dr. Somboon. About half of all three groups were seizure free in the 6 months prior to cPAP. Those with OSA who received cPAP had a higher body mass index than did those who were not treated (34.6 vs. 31.1; P less than .001), but they were of similar age (47.6 vs. 47.9 years). Those without OSA who were treated with cPAP had a lower BMI (27.5; P less than .001) and were 10 years younger than were those with OSA (37.7 years; P less than .001). About two-thirds of all three groups had a history of focal seizures.

When expressed as odds ratios (OR), those treated for OSA had almost 10 times the likelihood of treatment success at 1 year (OR, 9.58; P less than .001), although be-ing seizure free in the 6 months pri-or to cPAP had a 20-fold increased likelihood of treatment success (OR, 20.88; P less than .001).

Sleep disturbances and OSA are more common in patients with ep-ilepsy than age-matched controls, according to Dr. Somboon, who cited published studies substantiating these statements. She noted that there are

also previously published studies associating improved sleep hygiene, including improved sleep hygiene achieved with cPAP, with a reduced risk of seizure activity in epilepsy patients. However, at present there are no guideline recommendations for screening patients with epilepsy for OSA or other causes of impaired sleep, according to Dr. Somboon.

Although Dr. Somboon acknowl-edged that the data collected in this study cannot provide a definitive link between cPAP treatment, im-proved sleep, and reduced risk of seizure activity, this study does sup-port these associations in the con-text of other evidence.

Dr. Somboon reported no financial relationships relevant to the study.


Sleep apnea treatment may reduce risk of epileptic seizures

Phrenic-nerve stimulator maintains benefits for 18 monthsBY MITCHEL L. ZOLER

Frontline Medical News

AT CHEST 2017 n TORONTO – The implanted phrenic-nerve stimulation device that received Food and Drug Administration marketing ap-proval in October 2017 for treating central sleep apnea has now shown safety and efficacy out to 18 months of continuous use in 102 patients.

After 18 months of treatment with the Remede System, patients’ outcomes remained stable and patients continued to see the improvements they had experienced after 6 and 12 months of treat-ment. These improvements included significant average reductions from baseline in apnea-hypo-pnea index and central apnea index and significant increases in oxygenation and sleep quality, Andrew C. Kao, MD, said at the CHEST annual meeting.

“We were concerned that there would be a deg-radation of the benefit [over time]. We are very happy that the benefit was sustained,” said Dr. Kao, a heart failure cardiologist at Saint Luke’s Health System in Kansas City, Mo.

Dr. Kao’s report focused on the 6-, 12-, and 18-month changes relative to baseline for five secondary outcomes: central sleep apnea index, apnea-hypopnea index, arousal index, oxygen

desaturation index, and time spent in REM sleep. For all five of these outcomes, the 102 pa-tients showed an average, statistically significant improvement compared with baseline after 6 months on treatment that persisted virtually un-changed at 12 and 18 months.

For example, average cen-tral sleep apnea index fell from 27 events/hour at base-line to 5 per hour at 6, 12, and 18 months. Average ap-nea-hypopnea index fell from 46 events/hour at baseline to about 25 per hour at 6, 12, and 18 months. The average percentage of sleep spent in REM sleep improved from 12% at baseline to about 15% at 6, 12, and 18 months.

During 18 months of treatment following de-vice implantation, four of the 102 patients had a serious adverse event. One patient required lead repositioning to relieve discomfort and three had an interaction with an implanted cardiac device. The effects resolved in all four patients without long-term impact. An additional 16 patients had discomfort that required an unscheduled medical

visit, but these were not classified as serious epi-sodes, and in 14 of these patients the discomfort resolved.

The Remede System phrenic-nerve stimulator received FDA marketing approval for moderate to severe central sleep apnea based on 6-month efficacy and 12-month safety data (Lancet. 2016 Sept 3;388[10048]:974-82). The Pivotal Trial of the Remede System enrolled 151 patients with an apnea-hypopnea index of at least 20 events/hour, about half of whom had heart failure. All patients received a device implant: In the initial interven-tion group of 73 patients, researchers turned on the device 1 month after implantation, and in the 78 patients randomized to the initial control arm, the device remained off for the first 7 months and then went active. The researchers followed up with 46 patients drawn from both the original treatment arm and 56 patients from the original control arm, at which point the patients had been receiving 18 months of treatment.

The Remede System pivotal trial was sponsored by Respicardia, which markets the phrenic-nerve stimulator. Dr. Kao’s institution, Saint Luke’s Health System, received grant support from Res-picardia.


The link between sleep and seizure risk

is overlooked suspects Dr. Somboon.



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New narcolepsy drug passes phase 3 testBY JIM KLING

Frontline Medical News

SAN DIEGO – The selective dopa-mine and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor solriamfetol is effective in reducing sleepiness in patients with narcolepsy, according to results of a phase 3 study.

At 150-mg and 300-mg doses, the drug had statistically significant effects on objective and subjective measures.

There are wake-promoting drugs available, such as amphetamine- related drugs that are often used off label, but addiction liability is a concern. The nonamphetamine modafinil has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration since 1998.

Jazz Pharmaceuticals is in the process of submitting solriamfetol for FDA evaluation. If approved, the drug will add to the options available for narcolepsy patients. “All of the available drugs have some limitations. Some have more abuse liability than others. Some have more robust wake-promoting properties than others. We haven’t done any head-to-head compari-sons, so I can’t tell you how we will stack up,” Philip Jochelson, MD, said in an interview. Dr. Jochelson is vice president of clinical develop-ment at Jazz Pharmaceuticals and presented the results of the study at a poster session at the annual meet-ing of the American Neurological Association.

An earlier study showed the drug had less abuse potential than the schedule IV stimulant phentermine. That’s not surprising given the drug’s mechanism of action, Dr. Jo-chelson said. Amphetamine-based drugs stimulate dopamine release, which can prompt a dopamine surge that people equate with a high, he said. Solriamfetol also af-fects dopamine, but it is a reuptake inhibitor, so it doesn’t produce a surge.

If the drug gains approval, it remains to be seen how it will be classified on the Drug Enforcement Agency Controlled Substance scale. “Where it will fall in that spectrum is speculative at this point,” said Dr. Jochelson.

In the current study, 236 adults (aged 18-75 years) with type 1 narcolepsy were randomized to once-daily placebo, 75 mg solriam-fetol, 150 mg solriamfetol, or 300 mg solriamfetol; 27.1% of patients in the 300-mg group discontinued,

compared with 7.3% in the 150-mg group, 16.9% in the 75-mg group, and 10.3% in the placebo group. The mean change from baseline on the Maintenance of Wakefulness Test was statistically significant in

the 300-mg group (12.3 minutes vs. 2.1 minutes for placebo, P less than .0001) and the 150-mg group (9.8 minutes vs. 2.1 minutes, P less than .0001) but not the 75-mg group (4.7 minutes vs. 2.1 minutes).

The drug also outperformed pla-cebo at week 12 on the Epworth Sleepiness Scale. The mean change in the 300-mg group was –6.4 vs. –1.6 for placebo (P less than .001),–5.4 in the 150-mg group (P less

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than .0001), and –3.8 in the 75-mg group (P less than .05).

By both Maintenance of Wakeful-ness Test and Epworth Sleepiness

Scale measures, the 150-mg and 300-mg solriamfetol groups had statistically significant differences as early as week 1.

The drug had some adverse ef-fects, which were expected based on its pharmacologic profile. These in-cluded increases in headache (5.1% with placebo, 10.2% with 75 mg, 23.7% with 150 mg, 30.5% with 300 mg), nausea (1.7% for placebo, 5.1% for 75 mg, 10.2% for 150 mg, 16.9% for 300 mg), anxiety (1.7% with pla-cebo, 1.7% with 75 mg, 5.1% with

150 mg, 8.5% with 300 mg), and insomnia (0% for placebo, 3.4% for 75 mg, 0% for 150 mg, 5.1% for 300 mg). Other adverse events occur-ring in at least 5% of patients were decreased appetite, nasopharyngitis, and dry mouth.

The study was funded by Jazz Pharmaceuticals. Dr. Jochelson is an employee of Jazz.

“All of the available drugs have some limitations. Some have

more abuse liability than others. Some have more robust wake-

promoting properties than others. We haven’t done any head-to-

head comparisons, so I can’t tell you how we will stack up.”

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Role of Obstructive Sleep Apnea in HTNBY SUPRIYA SINGH, MD; AND


Heart disease and stroke are lead-ing causes of death and disabil-

ity. High blood pressure (BP) is a

major risk factor for both.The 2017 guidelines regarding

“Seventh Report of the Joint Nation-al Committee on Prevention, Detec-tion, Evaluation and Treatment of High Blood Pressure” (JNC 7) were

recently published, which is an up-date incorporating new information from studies regarding BP-related risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and strategies to improve HTN (HTN) treatment and control.

Screening for secondary causes of HTN is necessary for new-onset or uncontrolled HTN in adults, includ-ing drug-resistant HTN. Screening includes testing for obstructive sleep apnea, which is highly prevalent in this population.

Obstructive sleep apnea is a common chronic condition char-acterized by recurrent collapse of upper airways during sleep, induc-ing intermittent episodes of apnea/hypopnea, hypoxemia, and sleep disruption (Pedrosa RP, et al. Chest. 2013;144[5]:1487).

It is estimated to affect 17% of US adults but is overwhelmingly under-recognized and untreated (JAMA. 2012;307[20]:2169). The prevalence is higher in men than women. The major risk factors for OSA are obe-sity, male sex, and advancing age. Since these conditions oftentimes predispose to and are concomitant with HTN, it can be challenging to determine the independent effects of OSA on the development of HTN.

The relationship between ob-structive sleep apnea (OSA) and HTN has been a point of interest for decades, with untreated OSA being associated with an increased risk for developing new-onset HTN (JAMA. 2012;307[20]:2169).

There have been several landmark trials that have sought to deter-mine the extent of a causal rela-tionship between OSAS and HTN. Sleep Heart Health Study (Sleep. 2006;29;1009) was one such study, which was limited by the inability to prove that OSA preceded the onset of HTN.

Wisconsin Sleep Cohort (N Engl J Med. 2000;342:1378) was another landmark prospective longitudi-nal study that implicates OSA as a possible causal factor in HTN. The notable limitation of the study was the presence of HTN after initial assessment was found to be depen-dent upon the severity of OSA at baseline.

While these two cohort studies found an association between OSA and HTN, the Vitoria Sleep Cohort out of Spain (Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2011;184[11]:1299), the third and most recent longitudinal co-hort study, looked at younger and thinner patients than the SHHS and the Wisconsin Sleep Cohort, failed to show a significant associ-ation between OSA and incident HTN. Methodologic differences may help to explain the disparity in results.

NREM sleep has normal circadian

Regionalized slashes in- hospital deaths - [PDF Document] (25)


Calendar subject to change. For most current course list and more

information, visit

Mechanical Ventilation: Advanced

Critical Care Management

February 15-17 | July 26-28

Comprehensive Bronchoscopy

With Endobronchial Ultrasound

March 1-3 | September 20-22

Ultrasonography: Essentials

in Critical Care

March 8-10 | September 13-15 |

November 29-December 1

Advanced Clinical Training

in Pulmonary Function Testing

April 7-8

Bronchoscopy Procedures

for the ICU

May 5-6

Advanced Critical Care


June 1-3

Di�cult Airway Management

June 8-10 | September 7-9

Lung Cancer: A Multidisciplinary

Course for Pulmonologists Covering

Current Paradigms for Diagnosis

and Management

July 13-15

Bronchoscopy and Pleural

Procedures for Pulmonary and

Critical Care Medicine Fellows

July 20

Advanced Diagnostic and

Therapeutic Bronchoscopy

August 4-5

Cardiopulmonary Exercise

Testing (CPET)

August 10-12

Critical Skills for Critical Care:

A State-of-the-Art Update and

Procedures for ICU Providers

August 24-26

Comprehensive Pleural Procedures

November 3-4

Critical Care Ultrasound: Integration

Into Clinical Practice

November 9-11

Venovenous ECMO for Respiratory


December 7-9

Live Learning Courses

2018 Education Calendar

Courses held at the CHEST Innovation, Simulation, and Training Center in Glenview, Illinois.

Learn More

Mark your


CHEST 2018 starts

early next year.


CHEST Board Review 2018

August 10-19 | Austin, Texas

variation of BP, causing “dipping” of both systolic and diastolic BP at night due to decreased sympathetic and increased parasympathetic ac-tivity. REM sleep has predominant sympathetic activity and transient nocturnal BP surges.

OSA results in hypoxemia, which causes nocturnal catecholamine surges, resulting in nocturnal in-crease in heart rate and BP that is most prominent during post-apneic hyperventilation.

Reduced nocturnal BP (nondip-ping) or even higher nocturnal BP than daytime BP is an undoubted risk factor for hypertensive patients due to the end-organ damage and subsequent cardiovascular events. With sleep apnea, sleep quali-ty is decreased due to frequent arousal from sleep (Hypertension. 2006;47[5]:833).

Sleep duration of less than or equal to 5 hours per night was shown to significantly increase risk for HTN in patients less than or equal to 60 years of age, even after controlling for obesity and diabetes.

Sleep Heart Health Study suggests that sleep duration above or below a median of 7 to 8 hours per night is associated with a higher prevalence of HTN (Sleep. 2006;29:1009). Thus, improving duration and quality of sleep in sleep apnea patients may help decrease the risk of developing HTN.

Key question: Will treatment

of OSA appreciably alter BP?

Continuous positive airway pres-sure (CPAP) is an efficacious treatment of choice for OSA. In-terventional trials, though limited by issues related to compliance, have shown CPAP to acutely reduce sympathetic drive and BP during sleep. However, this improve-ment in BP control is not entirely consistent in all patients with the data being less clear-cut regarding nighttime CPAP therapy and im-pact on daytime BP.

A randomized controlled trial from Barbe et al suggests that nor-motensive subjects with severe OSA but without demonstrable daytime sleepiness are immune to the BP-re-

ducing effects of CPAP (Ann Intern Med. 2001;134:1015); those who were objectively sleepy had a more robust response to the BP lowering effects of CPAP with better cardio-vascular outcomes among patients who were adherent to CPAP therapy (≥4 hours per night).

Sleep Apnea Cardiovascular End-points (SAVE) study looked at CPAP for Prevention of Cardiovascular Events in Obstructive Sleep Apnea (N Engl J Med. 2016;375:919). CPAP significantly reduced snoring and daytime sleepiness and improved health-related quality of life and mood, but the risk of serious cardio-vascular events was not lower among patients who received treatment with CPAP in addition to usual care compared with usual care alone. This study was not powered to provide definitive answers regarding the effects of CPAP on secondary cardio-vascular end points, and the use of PAP was less than 4 hours.

A recent systematic review and meta-analysis looked at “Association of Positive Airway Pressure with Cardiovascular Events and Death in Adults with Sleep Apnea” (JAMA. 2017;318(2):156). No significant associations between PAP treatment and a range of cardiovascular events were noted in this meta-analysis.

It is possible that the limited ad-herence to therapy in many trials was insufficient to drive protection, along with short follow-up duration of most trials that may have given insufficient time for PAP to have af-fected vascular outcomes.

In a cross-over study of valsartan and CPAP, combining drug treat-ment with CPAP appeared to have a more synergistic effect in reducing BP than either agent alone (Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2010;182:954).

The beneficial effect of CPAP remains an open question. Consid-ering the multifactorial pathophys-iology of OSA-associated HTN, proven therapies, such as BP lower-ing, lipid lowering, and antiplatelet therapy, along with PAP therapy, should be utilized. This combination strategy is likely to be more effective in improving both nocturnal and daytime BP control in OSA.

Dr. Singh is Director, Sleep

Disorder and Research

Center, Michael E. DeBakey

VA Medical Center; and

Dr. Singh is Assistant Pro-

fessor and Dr. Velamuri is

Associate Professor, Pul-

monary, Critical Care and

Sleep Medicine, Baylor Col-

lege of Medicine. Houston,


Regionalized slashes in- hospital deaths - [PDF Document] (26)



Frontline Medical News

Yoga provides physical and mental benefits for both lung cancer patients and their

caregivers, according to results of a randomized study presented at the Palliative and Supportive Care in Oncology Symposium.

“Overall, we are encouraged by the findings,” said lead study author Kathrin Milbury, PhD, of University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Cen-ter, Houston.

“We demonstrated that patients undergoing treatment for lung can-cer are not too sick to participate in a behavioral supportive care in-tervention,” Dr. Milbury said in a press conference. “Both patients and caregivers reported to have enjoyed the experience, and it gave them a

time away from cancer, and [they] learned something new together.”

This study provides preliminary evidence that a yoga program can provide a “buffer” and improve physical function for patients, as well as self-reported improved qual-ity of life for both patients and their caregivers, she added.

All patients in the study had non–small cell lung cancer and were un-dergoing thoracic radiation therapy, which can cause respiratory toxici-ties that negatively affect quality of life and physical activity, according to Dr. Milbury and her coinvestiga-tors.

A total of 32 patient-caregiver dyads were randomized to partici-pate in 15 yoga sessions or to be in a “wait-list” control group, and 26 dyads completed all assessments.

Patients who practiced yoga had

significantly better scores on a 6-minute walking test (478 vs. 402 for wait-list enroll-ees; P less than .05), plus better stamina and mental health. Caregivers had im-proved fatigue and bet-ter stamina at work.

Almost all patients (96%) rated the pro-gram as “very useful,” investigators reported at the symposium co-sponsored by AAHPM, ASCO, ASTRO, and MASCC.

This study provides additional ev-idence that yoga and other nonphar-macologic supportive therapies “can be integrated into not only the care of cancer patients, but also the fami-ly caregivers who support them,” ac-

cording to Andrew S. Epstein, MD, of Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York.

Next, the researchers plan to conduct a larger, randomized con-trolled trial with a more stringent comparison group, according to Dr. Milbury.


Yoga benefits lung cancer patients and caregiversVIEW ON THE NEWSM. Patricia Rivera, MD, FCCP,











Defining quality in lung cancer surgeryBY RICHARD MARK KIRKNER

Frontline Medical News

Implementing quality initiatives and creating reporting mechanisms for lung cancer pa-

tients can lead to better outcomes, including overall survival. While barriers exist – namely the conflicting perspectives of providers, pay-ers, hospitals, and patients – thoracic oncologic surgeons should seize the opportunity to estab-lish robust quality and value metrics for lung cancer programs, said Whitney S. Brandt, MD, and her coauthors in an expert opinion in the Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery (2017;154:1397-403).

Dr. Brandt, a surgeon at Memorial Sloan Ketter-ing Cancer Center in New York, and her coauthors examined the key elements of quality and value initiatives, categorizing them into preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative components and primarily focusing on early stage lung cancer.

The preoperative evaluation should at least include CT imaging of the tumor and, for smok-ers, smoking cessation, said Dr. Brandt and her coauthors. All candidates for pulmonary lung resection should have spirometry and diffusion capacity tests; furthermore, both predicted postop-erative forced expiratory volume in 1 second and diffusing capacity of the lungs for CO should be calculated. “Patients with a predicted postoperative value less than 40% for either measurement should be considered high risk for lobectomy and should be offered either sublobar resection or nonsurgical therapy,” they recommended.

Dr. Brandt and her colleagues also clarified preoperative management of patients with cardiac disease. Only patients with significant cardiac disease risk factors need to undergo cardiac testing before lung surgery, and pa-tients with stable cardiac disease do not require

revascularization beforehand.For preoperative staging, the most comprehen-

sive clinical guidelines come from the National Comprehensive Cancer Network, they stated. The guidelines recommend that all patients with a small cell lung cancer or stage II to IV non–small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) receive a brain MRI or – if that’s not available – a head CT with contrastto assess for brain metastasis.

Intraoperative quality measures take into ac-count the surgical approach, including cost, re-section and margins, and lymph node evaluation. With regard to surgical approach, trials have shown traditional video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) lobectomy results in shorter hos-pital stays and thereby lower costs, as well as fewer complications and deaths, than thoracotomy, said Dr. Brandt and her coauthors. But that cost ad-vantage has not yet carried over to robotic-assisted VATS. That said, “robotic-assisted VATS remains a relatively new technology, and with time and increased robotic platform competition, costs will likely decrease.”

Dr. Brandt and her coauthors also noted that clinical trials support resection margins of 2 cm in patients having surgery for NSCLC and that adequate lymph node evaluation is a crit-ical component of a lung cancer quality initia-tive. “Regardless of whether lymph nodes are sampled or dissected, we believe that systemat-ic acquisition of mediastinal nodal tissue based on nodal station(s) is a useful quality metric, and, therefore, we recommend each program adopt a preferred approach and track adher-ence,” they said.

As for postoperative quality metrics, the most obvious are morbidity and mortality. “A quali-ty program should track 30-day or in-hospital mortality, as well as 90-day mortality, following lung cancer resection.” Such metrics can serve as

“starting points” for quality improvement initia-tives. Length of stay has also emerged as an im-portant metric because it is a surrogate of other metrics, such as patient comorbidities, age, and socioeconomic status. “Length-of-stay metrics likely need to be risk-stratified on the basis of these and other variables to be meaningful to a practicing surgeon,” Dr. Brandt and her coauthors said, adding that “studying the effectiveness of enhanced recovery after surgery programs in tho-racic surgical oncology poses an opportunity for a well-designed trial.”

Dr. Brandt and her coauthors reported no finan-cial disclosures. The National Institutes of Health/National Cancer Center provided grant support.

VIEW ON THE NEWSM. Patricia Rivera, MD, FCCP, comments: De-





















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Ultrathin bronchoscopy plus radial EBUS unreliableBY MITCHEL L. ZOLER

Frontline Medical News

AT CHEST 2017 n TORONTO – Ul-trathin bronchoscopy plus radial endobronchial ultrasound is not a great method for determining whether a suspicious lesion is can-cerous or benign, suggests new re-search.

In this study of patients with CT-detected solid lung lesions, the researchers were able to make a di-agnosis for only 49% of those whose nodules were evaluated using ultra-thin bronchoscopy plus radial endo-bronchial ultrasound (EBUS).“You have a 50/50 chance” of mak-ing a diagnosis using an ultrathin bronchoscope plus radial EBUS, said Nichole T. Tanner, MD, FCCP, at the CHEST annual meeting. “I think you need to be thoughtful about how you use this technology,” said Dr. Tanner, a pulmonologist and critical care medicine physician at the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston.

“When you do CT-guided biop-sies of lung lesions, the [diagnostic] yield is about 94%,” she noted.

The study compared the diagnostic yield of ultrathin bronchoscopy plus radial EBUS with standard bron-choscopy and fluoroscopy in patients with CT-detected solid lung lesions 1.5-5.0 cm in size. It ran at five U.S. centers and randomized 221 patients: 85 evaluable patients were tested using the standard methods and 112 evaluable patients were tested using ultrathin bronchoscopy plus radial EBUS. Patients averaged 65-68 years of age and were divided evenly be-

tween women and men. Their lesions averaged slightly more than 3 cm. The ultrathin device had a 4-mm-wide diameter and had a 2-mm working channel.

The diagnostic yield was 38% among patients who underwent standard bronchoscopy and fluoros-copy and 49% among those biopsied using ultrathin bronchoscopy and radial EBUS, Dr. Tanner reported. The between-group difference in yield fell short of being statistically significant.

Forty-six of the 53 patients who were not diagnosable using stan-dard bronchoscopy and fluoroscopy crossed over to the investigational method, which produced a diagnosis for an additional seven patients (15% of the biopsied crossover patients).

Dr. Tanner disclosed financial re-lationships with several companies, including having served as a consul-tant to and received research fund-ing from Olympus, which funded this study.



















Dr. Nichole T. Tanner speaks at the

CHEST annual meeting.


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CHEST 2018 Call for Abstracts & Case Reports

Two types of abstracts will be considered:

n Slide presentations

n Poster presentations

Four types of case reports will be considered:

n Fellow case reports

n Medical student/resident case reports

n Global case reports

n Clinical case puzzlers

All submissions are due Friday, March 2.

Complete Details

Submit your original

investigative research

for presentation at

next year’s annual

meeting in San Antonio.

Accepted abstracts and

case reports (excluding

clinical case puzzlers)

will appear in an online

supplement to the

journal CHEST®.

Don’t forget,

CHEST 2018

is earlier next year.

Join us in San Antonio, Texas,

October 6 to 10.

Join us for a wide variety of opportunities designed to help you and your team stay current with the latest mechanical ventilation, bronchoscopy, and ultrasonography techniques.

Mechanical Ventilation: Advanced

Critical Care Management

February 15-17

Comprehensive Bronchoscopy

With Endobronchial Ultrasound

March 1-3

Ultrasonography: Essentials

in Critical Care

March 8-10

Advanced Clinical Training in

Pulmonary Function Testing

April 7-8

Bronchoscopy Procedures

for the ICU

May 5-6

Complete Details

Spring Live Learning | CHEST Innovation, Simulation, and Training Center

New Year. New Skills.

This Month in CHEST®

Editor’s PicksBY RICHARD S. IRWIN, MD, MASTER FCCP Editor in Chief, CHEST


Introducing the CHEST Teach-

ing, Education, and Career Hub

Dr. G. T. Bosslet and Dr. M. Miles



Strategies for Success in Fellow-


Dr. R. W. Ashton, et al.


Higher Priced Older Pharmaceu-

ticals: How Should We Respond?

Dr. R. S. Irwin, et al.


Jeffrey M. Drazen, MD, FCCP

Dr. A. S. slu*tsky


Classification of Cough as a

Symptom in Adults and Manage-

ment Algorithms: CHEST Guide-

line and Expert Panel Report

Dr. R. S. Irwin, et al.


Three-Hour Bundle Compliance

and Outcomes in Patients With

Undiagnosed Severe Sepsis

Dr. A. S. Deis, et al.

A Phase II Clinical Trial of Low-

Dose Inhaled Carbon Monoxide

in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis

Dr. I. O. Rosas, et al.


New CHEST Physician Leadership for 2018David A. Schulman, MD, FCCP, is

the new Editor in Chief of CHEST Physician. He is a Professor in the Division of Pul-monary, Allergy, Critical Care and Sleep Med-icine at Emory University in Atlanta, where he also directs the pulmonary and critical care fellowship pro-gram. He has served on the CHEST Sleep Net-Work and the Education Committee and currently serves on the Training and Transitions Committee and the Board of Regents. Dr. Schulman’s primary area of academic interest is on faculty development in the do-mains of teaching and assessment. He will serve as the Chair of the CHEST 2018 Scientific Program Committee, where he will focus on crafting novel, interactive program-ming that will improve attendee en-

gagement and retention.What are the top three things Dr.

Schulman hopes to accomplish as Editor in Chief of CHEST Physician?

1Improve interactivity between CHEST Physician and its reader-

ship, to improve our ability to craft the publication that best meets the needs of its readers.

2Create more opportunities for CHEST Physician to serve as

the voice of CHEST members, by increasing space for members and leaders to write for the publication.

3Build on the incredibly successful work of my predecessor, Dr. Vera


Christopher Lettieri, MD, FCCP,

is the new Section Editor for Sleep

Strategies. He is a Professor of Medicine, Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences in Bethesda, Maryland. Dr. Lettieri has previous-ly served as the Chief and Medical


Regionalized slashes in- hospital deaths - [PDF Document] (31)


We promise to bring you the same great

program content – just a littler earlier.

Registration opens spring 2018. We hope to

see you in San Antonio, October 6 to 10.

Mark your


Details Coming Soon |

CHEST 2018 has a new date.

How will you prep for your 2018 board

exams? Let CHEST help you prepare live

and in-person for next year’s pulmonary,

critical care, and pediatric pulmonary exams

with our comprehensive review courses.

As always, CHEST board review courses

offer thorough exam prep you can put

to the test.

Board Review 2018


Join us August 10-19 in Austin, Texas.

Registration to open in February 2018.


Director of the Sleep Dis-orders Center at the Walter Reed National Military Med-ical Center, and as the Program Di-rector for the National Cap-

ital Consortium’s Sleep Medicine Fellowship training program. He is currently assigned as the Pulmo-nary and Critical Care Consultant to the Army Surgeon General, and as the Director of Global Health and Senior Clinical Advisor to the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Dr. Lettieri’s research interests include enhanc-ing PAP adherence and improving outcomes in sleep disorders related to PTSD and TBI.

Angel Coz, MD, FCCP, is the new

Section Editor for Critical Care

Commentary. He is an Associ-ate Professor of Medicine at the University of Kentucky and the Lexington Veterans Affairs Medical Center. He is the Chair of CHEST’s Critical Care NetWork and has served in the Clinical Pulmonary Medicine NetWork Steering Com-

mittee and the Nominating Com-mittee. He has led ICU quality improvement initiatives, including early detection and aggressive man-agement of sepsis. Dr. Coz interests include medical education, sepsis, and ICU qual-ity improve-ment. He has given multiple talks on sepsis and critical care topics nationally and internationally. He was recently recognized as a Distinguished CHEST Educator. Dr. Coz was very active also in developing the simu-lation-based difficult airway course for CHEST.

CHEST extends very special thanks to the following CHEST Physician editors for their 3 years of dedicated service in the follow-ing roles:Vera de Palo, MD, FCCP – Editor in ChiefLee Morrow, MD, FCCP – Section Editor for Critical Care CommentaryJeremy Weingarten, MD, FCCP – Section Editor for Sleep Strategies



Live Streaming at CHEST 2017BY KRISTI BRUNOCHEST Director of Communications, Media, and Marketing

In April 2016, Facebook launched Facebook Live, a tool for live streaming to a Facebook page to

share live video with their followers on Facebook. At CHEST 2016, the CHEST New Media team began to experiment with live video with some early success. The CHEST 2017 team made the decision, based on the organization’s goal to help educate clinicians to improve patient care, to live stream complete ses-sions from CHEST 2017. With the help of the CHEST 2017 Education Committee and the Social Media Work Group, more than 25 sessions were selected and live streamed.

CHEST’s efforts on Facebook Live resulted in the following:• Total people reached: 133,737• Total video views: 34,449• Total minutes watched: 30,786 (or

513 hours, or 21 days)• Total interactions: 1,050 (eg, likes,

loves, hahas, etc)

• Total shares: 302The content concept was well re-

ceived, and comments ranged from followers chiming in with their loca-tion, appreciation for live streaming, and even comments from patients.• “Thank you for sharing this live

presentation.”• “Here from Mexico !!”• “Here from Natal/RN, Brazil”• “Here from Milan, Italy.”• “Appreciate this live streaming on

important sessions, big service for those who couldn’t attend!!”

• “My brother survived after six days on ECMO. I am so glad to have him.”

• “It’s a great chance for physicians working in pulmonology and gen-eral practice to get the pearls of guidelines from American College to improve clinical practice. Now distance doesn’t matter”Plans are underway for live stream-

ing from CHEST 2018 in San An-tonio. To view the CHEST 2017 live stream videos, visit CHEST’s Face-book page,

Regionalized slashes in- hospital deaths - [PDF Document] (32)



Winners-All at CHEST 2017

With the great success of CHEST 2017, everyone who shared

that event is a winner. But, we would especially like to call out some of the special winners who were recognized during our meeting in Toronto.


• College Medalist Award

Sidney Braman, MD, Master FCCP• Distinguished Service Award

Nancy Collop, MD, FCCP• Master FCCP

Suhail Raoof, MD, Master FCCP• Master FCCP

Sidney Braman, MD, Master FCCP• Early Career Clinician Educator

Septimiu Murgu, MD, FCCP• Master Clinician Educator

Stephanie Levine, MD, FCCP• Presidential Citation

Sanjeev Mehta, MD, FCCP• Presidential Citation

Lisa Moores, MD, FCCP• Alfred Soffer Award for Editorial

Excellence Christopher Carroll, MD, FCCP Deep Ramachandran, MBBS


• Thomas L. Petty, MD, Master

FCCP Memorial Lecture Personalized Treatment in COPD: A New Era of Treatment Options Gerard J. Criner, MD, FCCP

• Presidential Honor Lecture Passion, Perseverance, and Quan-tum Leaps: Major Advances in Lung Cancer Care M. Patricia Rivera, MD, FCCP

• Margaret Pfrommer Memorial

Lecture in Long-term Mechanical

Ventilation When Air becomes BREATH…and a LIFE worth living Audrey King, MA

• Distinguished Scientist Honor

Lecture in Cardiopulmonary

Physiology Sleep, Death and the Heart Virend K. Somers, MD, PhD, FCCP

• Pasquale Ciaglia Memorial Lec-

ture in Interventional Medicine Augmented Reality: Getting Real in Procedural Education Carla R. Lamb, MD, FCCP

• Roger C. Bone Memorial Lecture

in Critical Care If You’ve Seen One ICU You’ve Seen All ICUs: Evidence-based Recom-mendations for the Organization of Critical Care Gordon D. Rubenfeld, MD, MS

• Edward C. Rosenow III, MD,

Master FCCP/Master Teacher

Honor Lecture

“Pills” and the Air Passages Atul C. Mehta, MBBS, FCCP

• Murray Kornfeld Memorial

Founders Lecture

Trying to Change Clinical Practice: The Barcelona Respiratory Research Group Antonio Torres Marti, MD, PhD, FCCP


• CHEST Foundation Research

Grant in Nontuberculous


Keira Cohen, MD• CHEST Foundation and the

Alpha-1 Foundation Research

Grant in Alpha-1 Antitrypsin


Diana Crossley, MBChB• CHEST Foundation Research

Grant in Asthma

Drew Harris, MD• CHEST Foundation Research

Grant in Pulmonary Fibrosis

Kerri Johannson, MD, MPH• CHEST Foundation Research

Grant in Women’s Lung Health Stephen Lapinsky, MBBCh, MS

• CHEST Foundation Research

Grant in Chronic Obstructive

Pulmonary Disease Emmet O’Brien, MBBCh

• CHEST Foundation Research

Grant in Venous


Christopher Pannucci, MD• CHEST Foundation Research

Grant in Cystic Fibrosis Kathleen Ramos, MD, MS

• CHEST Foundation Research

Grant in Pulmonary Arterial

Hypertension Sandeep Sahay, MD, FCCP

• CHEST Foundation Research

Grant in Lung Cancer Kei Suzuki, MD

• GlaxoSmithKline Distinguished

Scholar in Respiratory Health Richard Wunderlink, MD, FCCP

• CHEST Co-Branded Community

Service Initiatives

Sandra Adams, MD, MS, FCCP Mary Hart, RRT, MS, FCCP

• GAIN NSCLC Summits

Community Service Grant J. Scott Ferguson, MD, FCCP

• CHEST Foundation Community

Service Grants Honoring D. Rob-ert McCaffree, MD, Master FCCP

Negin Haji*zadeh, MD, MPH Adam Silverman, MD&DVH�5HSRUW�3RVWHU�:LQQHUV

Javier Ramos Rossy, MDBikash Bhattarai, MDNikita Leiter, MD

Lindsay Boole, MD, MPHMuhammad Hammami, MDJonathan Dewald, MDAhmed Mahgoub, MDAli Saeed, MDAditya Kotecha, MDDavid Attalla, MD&+(67�&KDOOHQJH�:LQQHUV

San Antonio Military Medical CenterDavid Anderson, DOPaul Hiles, MD, BScTyson Sjulin, DO$OIUHG�6RIIHU�5HVHDUFK�


• Marcos Restrepo, MD, MSc, FCCP: Anti-MRSA Coverage Over-utilization as Empiric Therapy for Hospitalized Patients With Com-munity-acquired Pneumonia and Health-care Associated Pneumonia

• Michael Perkins, MD: Rothman Index Predicts ICU Mortality at 24 hours<RXQJ�,QYHVWLJDWRU�


• Adam Przebinda, MD: Analysis of a Hospital-based Multimodal Quality Improvement Intervention to Improve Recognition and Treat-ment of Sepsis

• Roozehra Khan, DO, FCCP: Growth in Social Media & Live-Tweeting at Major Critical Care Conferences: Twitter Analysis of Past 4 Years7RS���6OLGH�3UHVHQWDWLRQ�


• Jonathan Corren, MD: Dupilum-ab Improves Asthma Control and Asthma-Related Quality of Life in Uncontrolled Persistent Asthma Patients Across All Baseline Exacer-bation Rates

• Aaron B. Holley, MD, FCCP: Hep-arin prophylaxis does not prevent VTE in the presence of acute kidney injury

• Anil Vachani, MD, FCCP: A Blood-based Multi-gene Expression Clas-sifier to Distinguish Benign from Malignant Pulmonary Nodules

• Abhishek Mishra, MD: Compar-ison of Catheter directed throm-bolysis vs systemic thrombolysis in pulmonary embolism: A propensity score match analysis

• David E. Ost, MD, MPH, FCCP: Comparison of Practice Patterns and Outcomes for Recurrent Malig-nant Pleural Effusions&DVH�5HSRUW�6OLGH�:LQQHUV

• Christian Castaneda, MD: Levo-floxacin-Induced Acute Eosinophil-ic Pneumonitis: A Case Report And Review

• Lucian Marts, MD: The Proof Is In The Platelets

• Fuad Aleskerov, MD: Disseminated Resistant Nocardiosis In Previously Healthy Male

• Taylor Myers, MD: Spontaneous Regression Of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

• Amin Pasha, MD: Is Fat Always Bad? A Case Study Demonstrating The Lifesaving Effect Of Lipid Emul-sion Therapy In Beta Blocker And Calcium Channel Blocker Overdose

• Anish Geevarghese, MD: The Use Of Venovenous-ECMO For Refrac-tory Hypoxemia Following Liver Transplantation In A Patient With Hepatopulmonary Syndrome

• Juilio Huapaya, MD: Hemophago-cytic Lymphohistiocytosis Induced By Histoplasmosis In A Kidney Transplant Patient: Are Steroids Really Necessary?

• Stephen Doyle, DO, MBA: Diffuse Pulmonary Nodules: A Rare Infec-tion Causing A Common Problem

• Catherine Millender, MD: An Intriguing Case Of Recurrent Bilat-eral Massive Chylothoraces: Is This Pleural Sarcoidosis?

• Andrew Lewis, DO: Transforma-tion Of Benign Metastasizing Leio-myoma (BML) To Leiomyosarcoma

• Fady Youssef, MD: Tracheal Leio-myosarcoma Causing Critical Air-way Obstruction

• Kevin Charles, MD: Pulmonary Metastasis Of Mandibular Amelo-bastoma: A Case Report

• Audra Fuller, MD: Endobronchial Lipomatous Hamartoma Mimick-ing Malignancy

• Lana Alghothani, MD: Idiopathic Pneumonia Syndrome In Patient With Gray Zone Lymphoma Suc-cessfully Treated With Etanercept

• Aaron Lampkin, MD: These Ar-en’t The Paraproteins You Have Been Looking For: A Case Of Light Chain Deposition Disease

• Tyler Church: His Heart Was Three Sizes Too Smallpox

• Ki-Yoon Kim, MD: Coma Second-ary To Rickettsia Typhi

• Nicole Ruopp, MD: Epoprostenol And Ascites: A High Output State Or Not?

• Stephanie Guo, MD: Neuroen-docrine Cells And A Spectrum Of Disease

• Justin Chiam, MBBS: A Diagnostic Challenge Of Haemoptysis In A TB Endemic Southeast Asian Country1HW:RUN�&KDOOHQJH�:LQQHUV

• First Round: Home-Based Mechan-ical Ventilation and Neuromuscular Disease NetWork, and Women’s Health NetWork

• Second Round: Home-Based Mechanical Ventilation and Neu-romuscular Disease and Practice Operations

• Third Round: Home-Based Mechan-ical Ventilation and Neuromuscular Disease and Practice Operations

Regionalized slashes in- hospital deaths - [PDF Document] (33)


If you were unable to attend CHEST 2017 in Toronto, don’t worry, you

can still gain access to the recorded session content.

Miss Out on CHEST 2017?

Note: CHEST 2017 registrants receive the recorded sessions for free. These free recordings will be available online for the next year. Note, files are not downloadable and must be played from a device with an internet connection. This product is not eligible for CME credit.

The CHEST 2017 recorded sessions include all of the

presentations from the top clinicians and researchers

in chest medicine featured at this year’s annual

meeting. Access includes a 1-year subscription to

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including lectures and slide presentations.

Content will include the latest relevant research and

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And much more.

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Nonmembers $299

Complete Details


Smart Ways to Give More Now

Your gift today truly has an im-mediate impact that makes a

difference now.We also want you to benefit as

much as possible from your gener-osity.

Gifts of Appreciated Securities, Mutual Funds, and InvestmentsIf you have owned any of these lon-ger than 1 year and they have appre-ciated in value, they provide a smart option for gifting. You will avoid the capital gains tax, and you also receive a charitable income tax deduction if you itemize your tax return.

The Charitable Individual Retirement Plan OptionIf you are 70 1/2, you may distribute funds from your IRA directly to the CHEST Foundation.

You will not pay any income taxes, and it will also qualify for your re-

quired minimum withdrawal. You may distribute up to $100,000 per person per year ($200,000 if you are married and both own an IRA).

Retirement Plan Beneficiary DesignationYou may also designate a charity as a beneficiary of your IRA, 401K, or 403B.

This will avoid any income tax, so 100% will be directed to the charity of your choice.

For more information on these and other ways to support the CHEST Foundation, confidential-ly and with no obligation, contact Angela Perillo, CHEST Director of Development & Foundation Opera-tions, at [emailprotected].

Another Small Win to Raise the Tobacco Purchasing Age to 21BY KIM FRENCH, MHSA, CAPPM CHEST Foundation Trustee

The Elk Grove Village, Illinois, Board of Trustees passed the “Tobacco 21” ordinance that

will raise the tobacco purchasing age to 21, which includes nicotine vaping. The policy, which will go into effect January 1, 2018, will pro-tect young people from beginning a lifetime of addiction and, ultimately, save their lives.

Kevin L Kovitz MD, MBA, FCCP, attended the Village Board meeting to advocate for “Tobacco 21.” He is a Sustaining Member of the CHEST Foundation, continually exempli-fying what it is to be a lung health champion.

Dr. Kovitz noted, “This poli-

cy will protect our kids from the scourge of Big Tobacco and save funding for health-care costs and, most importantly, will ultimately save lives. The ordinance will pro-tect the most vulnerable parts of our population, our children. Raising the legal age puts tobacco products on par with alcohol and protects young adults from developing a dangerous lifelong habit.”

Five US states have also passed Tobacco 21; they include California, Hawaii, Maine, New Jersey, and Oregon. There are many local ordi-nances around the country but more are needed.

Advocating for this ordinance demonstrates the effectiveness of grassroots advocacy in our local communities.

News From American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN)

AACN has published a new edition of “AACN Scope and Standards for Acute Care

Nurse Practitioner Practice” to reflect the specialty’s evolving role and an ever-changing critical care landscape.

First issued in 2006 and previously updated in 2012, the new edition describes and measures the expected level of practice and professional performance for acute care nurse practitioners (ACNPs). The 2017 edition, which came from collabo-ration from a work group of ACNP subject matter experts convened by AACN collaborated to update the content to reflect current practice incorporates advances in scientific knowledge, clinical practice, tech-nology and other changes in the dynamic healthcare environment. It addresses the full scope of practice for ACNPs, including those whose education and training prepare them to care for children with acute and critical illnesses. It also aligns with the “Consensus Model for APRN Regulation” — also called the LACE Model — developed to create nation-

al congruence for licensure, accredi-tation, certification, and education of advanced practice nurses.

“The role of acute care nurse practitioners continues to expand as more hospitals and healthcare organizations discover the value of having ACNPs on staff,” said Linda Bell, AACN clinical prac-tice specialist and editor of the publication. “Patients who used to be hospitalized are now cared for throughout the healthcare system. As a result, the services or care provided by ACNPs and other ad-vanced practice providers are not defined or limited by setting but rather by patient care needs.”

These standards are a valuable re-source for acute care pediatric nurse practitioners (CPNP-AC), adult ACNPs (ACNPC-AG or ACNP-BC) and those developing educational programs for advanced nursing practice, job descriptions and cre-dentialing, among other uses.

New edition of ACNP Scope and Standard is available from American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (


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CHEST President, Dr. John Studdard on the Search for a New Editor in Chief for CHEST®

CHEST®, the flagship peer-reviewed journal of the American College of Chest Physicians (CHEST), is seek-ing applicants for the next Editor in Chief (EIC). President of CHEST, Dr. John Studdard, has given some in-sight into the successes of the journal during current EIC, Dr. Richard Ir-win’s tenure, and what we can expect from the respected individual who will take his place in 2019.

“From my perspective as a com-munity-based physician practicing pulmonary, critical care, and sleep medicine, I believe the responsibility of member-based organizations like CHEST is to ensure that we create meaningful science, create outstand-ing education, and work to ensure these are disseminated and imple-mented. One of the most important vehicles that we depend on is our CHEST® journal.

CHEST® is more than just a medical jour-nal; it is the face and brand of the American College of Chest Physicians. Recognition and awareness of the journal

as the face of the organization is an incredibly important aspect of what it means to the CHEST organization as a whole.”

Dr. Studdard’s insights as to some of the successes and the future of CHEST®:Question: What is your view on the successes of the journal over Dr. Ir-win’s tenure?

Answer: A. The journal consistently

ranks as the #1 relevant journal for respiratory clinicians and pro-viders.

B. The journal’s “impact factor” has increased significantly, which supports its efforts to attract the best clinical research and content.

C. New sections added provide applicable clinical information, address hot and controversial topics, and underscore the hu-man side of medicine to support the best patient-focused care.

D. The continual improvement of our online platform, including development of multimedia content and other innovations that take advantage of the digital evolution of online content de-livery.

E. Last, but not least, I believe our members who are clinicians consider CHEST® to be the one

journal to review cover to cover and to be their “go to” journal for relevant clinical insights and information.

Question: What challenges does CHEST expect the next EIC to be facing?

Answer: We clearly practice in an environment where there are con-stant pulls for the time and attention of clinicians … a constant influx of information and education in mul-tiple formats and delivery systems. The journal CHEST® must highlight the information we need most that will impact patient care. Our new EIC, and the team assembled, will need to solicit the best research, continue our digital evolution, and ensure they are delivering this infor-


Continued on following page

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Congratulations, CHEST!

2017 Accreditation With Commendation

On December 2, CHEST received Accreditation with Commenda-

tion from the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME). This achievement grants CHEST accreditation through November 2023, and places the or-ganization in the highest tier of con-tinuing medical education (CME) providers.

“It is a true privilege to serve as a member of our outstanding CHEST Education team. We are very proud of our education program and have worked very hard to provide CHEST members and their health-care team with state-of-the-art learning oppor-tunities,” said Alex Niven, MD, FCCP, current Chair of CHEST’s Education Committee, “ACCME Accreditation with Commendation is an important benchmark of this success, and we look forward to further advancing CHEST’s leadership role in medical education through its simulation, active learning, and other innovative

educational offerings.”To receive accreditation from the

ACCME, CHEST met all of the requirements of the ACCME, has transitioned clinician knowledge into action, and has enhanced pro-cedural performance to improve patient outcomes. Accreditation with Commendation is “a reward for going above and beyond require-ments--having the absolute best practices and for striving to meet the aspirational goals of medical education,” said William Kelly, MD, FCCP, previous Chair of CHEST’s Education Committee.

In achieving Accreditation with Commendation, CHEST demonstrat-ed compliance with the following: • Improving the professional prac-

tice by consistently integrating CME into CHEST processes.

• Utilization of noneducation strategies such as the CHEST Foundation’s grant programs and disease awareness campaigns, to

enhance change as an adjunct to CHEST’s activities/educational interventions.

• Identification of factors that effect patient outcomes and are outside of the provider’s control.

• Implementation of educational strategies, including the offering of additional training to improve procedural capabilities, so as to remove, overcome, or address bar-riers to physician change.

• Building of bridges with stake-holders such as The France Foundation, National Com-prehensive Cancer Network (NCCN), and the American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP), through collaboration and cooperation.

• Participation within an institution-al framework for health-care quali-ty improvement.

• Positioned to influence the scope and content of activities/educa-tional interventions.


BP targets questioned, Candida auris infections&DUGLRYDVFXODU�0HGLFLQH�


The Holy Grail of Blood Pressure Management? Blood pressure treatment recom-mendations have been confusing over the past few years. The Joint National Committee (JNC) 8 stirred up controversy in 2014 because they raised the recommended tolerating systolic blood pressures, in certain people aged 60 and above, up to 150 mm Hg [James, et al. JAMA. 2014;311(5):507-520]. The new AHA/ACC hypertension guide-lines cosponsored by 11 societies generated controversy because they changed the definition of hyper-tension (normal <120/80 mm Hg, elevated 120-129/80-89, stage 1 130-139/80-89, or stage 2 >140/90) [Whelton et al. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2017 pii:S0735-1097(17)41519-1]. The SPRINT trial [Wright, et al. N Engl J Med. 2015;373:2103-2116] largely influenced these recommen-dations. SPRINT demonstrated a 25% relative risk reduction of heart attack, stroke, cardiovascular death, or decompensated heart failure with more aggressive blood pressure management (BP goal <120/90 vs <140/90).

This new classification would label 46% of Americans, or 103.3 million people, as hypertensive. However, there is uncertainty in how broadly applicable the SPRINT results are, particularly in those under the age of 45. The majority of large clini-cal trials, including SPRINT, have limited numbers of patients who were less than 50 years old and, therefore, it is unknown if younger patients benefit to the same degree. The absolute improvement is also questionable because as an editorial points out [Welch, “Don’t Let New Blood Pressure Guidelines Raise Yours” NY Times. Nov. 15, 2017], the primary endpoint in SPRINT only occurred in less than or equal to 8% of patients.These guidelines reinforce the need to measure ambulatory blood pressures, perform proper in-office blood pressure measurements, and emphasize lifestyle modifications. Whether aggressive blood pressure management is worth the potential risks and the degree to which ideal blood pressure measurement can be applied to real world practices, re-mains uncertain. David J. Nagel, MD, PhD Steering Committee Member


Candida auris

Invasive fungal infections are fre-quently managed by ICU physicians and are a leading cause of mortality among critically ill patients. Invasive candidiasis is associated with an at-tributable mortality rate of up to 49%. Historically, the majority of these in-fections has been caused by Candida albicans, but this may be changing.

The first outbreak of Candida auris in the Americas (18 patients) occurred in the ICU of a hospital in Venezuela. Resistance to common azoles was documented, and half of the isolates showed decreased susceptibility to amphotericin B. As of August 2017, a total 153 clinical cases of C auris infection have been reported to CDC from 10 US states; most have occurred in New York and New Jersey.

What has been learned from these cases is that close contacts can be colonized, colonization can be per-sistent (approximately 9 months), the yeast can survive in the hospital environment, bleach or sporicide is needed for elimination, isolation precautions are recommended as for MDRO bacteria, and serial resistance to echinocandins has been observed.

Principal takeaways:

1Candida auris isolates are often MDR, with some strains having

elevated MICs to drugs in all the three major classes of antifungal medications.

2The isolates are difficult to identify and require specialized

methods, such as MALDI-TOF or molecular identification based on sequencing.

3Misidentification may lead to in-appropriate treatment.

4C auris has the propensity to cause outbreaks in health-care

settings, as has been reported in sev-eral countries, and resistance may result in treatment failure.Richard Winn, MD, MS, FCCP Immediate Past Chair


1. Sarma S. Current perspective on emer-gence, diagnosis and drug resistance in Candida auris. Infect Drug Resistance. 2017;10:155–165.

2. Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization. Epidemiological Alert: Candida auris outbreaks in health care services. October 3, Washington, DC: PAHO/WHO; 2016.

3. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Global emergence of invasive infections caused by the multidrug-resistant yeast Candida auris. CDC; 2016 [updated June 24, 2016]

mation in the way that our mem-bers and learners find the most accessible.

Question: Where do “we” want the journal to go?

Answer: Your leadership of the American College of Chest Physi-cians has great respect for the edi-torial independence of the journal. The EIC and the Editorial Board that is assembled will lead where the journal goes. As the embodi-ment of the brand of the CHEST organization, we clearly want to see the journal continue to be the authoritative, respected, trusted, “go to” resource for clinical pul-monary, critical care, and sleep medicine professionals.

CHEST is now accepting appli-cations for the position of Editor in Chief of the CHEST® journal. For more information visit Applications are due by February 1, 2018.

EIC Search continued from previous page

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1 Tapson, et al, “Optimum Duration and Dose of r-tPA with the Acoustic Pulse Thrombolysis Procedure for Submassive Pulmonary Embolism: OPTALYSE PE,” Tapson, et al, “Optimum Duration and Dose of r-tPA with the Acoustic Pulse Thrombolysis Procedure for Submassive Pulmonary Embolism: OPTALYSE PE,” apson, et al, “Optimum Duration and Dose of r-tPA with the Acoustic Pulse Thrombolysis Procedure for Submassive Pulmonary Embolism: OPTALYSE PE,” T

American Thoracic Society (ATS) Meeting, Washington, DC, May 2017. 2 Lin, P., et al., “Comparison of Percutaneous Ultrasound-Accelerated Thrombolysis versus Catheter-Directed Thrombolysis in Patients with Acute Massive

Pulmonary Embolism.” Vascular, Vol. 17, Suppl. 3, 2009, S137-S147.Vascular, Vol. 17, Suppl. 3, 2009, S137-S147., Vol. 17, Suppl. 3, 2009, S137-S147.Vascular3 Nykamp M., et al. “Safety and efficacy of ultrasound-accelerated catheter-directed lytic therapy in acute pulmonary embolism with and without hemodynamic

instability.” J Vascular Surgery: Venous and Lymphatic Disorders 2015; 3(5): 251-7.J Vascular Surgery: Venous and Lymphatic Disorders 2015; 3(5): 251-7. 2015; 3(5): 251-7.J Vascular Surgery: Venous and Lymphatic Disorders4 Piazza, G., et al., A Prospective, Single-Arm, Multicenter Trial of Ultrasound-Facilitated, Low-Dose Fibrinolysis for Acute Massive and Submassive Pulmonary

Embolism: the Seattle II study.” Journal of the American College of Cardiology: Cardiovascular Interventions 2015; 8: 1382-92.Journal of the American College of Cardiology: Cardiovascular Interventions 2015; 8: 1382-92. 2015; 8: 1382-92.Journal of the American College of Cardiology: Cardiovascular Interventions5 Acute efficacy pending long-term data availability for OPTALYSE PE.

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Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.