Module Handbook for - Frankfurt UAS · Recommended reading Beatley, T. (2000), Green Urbanism: Learning from European Cities. Island Press, Washington DC Calthorpe, P. and Fulton, - [PDF Document] (2024)

Module Handbook for - Frankfurt UAS· Recommended reading Beatley, T. (2000), Green Urbanism: Learning from European Cities. Island Press, Washington DC Calthorpe, P. and Fulton, - [PDF Document] (1)

Module Handbook for - Frankfurt UAS· Recommended reading Beatley, T. (2000), Green Urbanism: Learning from European Cities. Island Press, Washington DC Calthorpe, P. and Fulton, - [PDF Document] (2)

Seite 2/36 Module Handbook for Urban Agglomerations (M. Sc.)

Edition: 16 June 2014 FH Frankfurt am Main – University of Applied Sciences | Faculty 1: Architecture · Civil Engineering · Geomatics

Table of Contents 1. Qualification of the Programme 3

2. Recommended Study Programme 4 3. Module and ECTS Overview 5

4. Modules

UA 1 Urban Planning and Development 6 UA 2 Urban Culture and Governance 11 UA 3 GIS and Remote Sensing 15 UA 4 Scientific Methods and Academic Skills 18 UA 5 Deutsche Sprache und Kommunikation 21 UA 6 Interdisciplinary Project Work 23 UA 7 Urban Infrastructure 25 UA 8 Urban Ecology and Environment 30 UA 9 International Exchange Course 34 UA 10 Master Thesis 35


Module Handbook for - Frankfurt UAS· Recommended reading Beatley, T. (2000), Green Urbanism: Learning from European Cities. Island Press, Washington DC Calthorpe, P. and Fulton, - [PDF Document] (3)

Seite 3/36 Module Handbook for Urban Agglomerations (M. Sc.)

Edition: 16 June 2014 FH Frankfurt am Main – University of Applied Sciences | Faculty 1: Architecture · Civil Engineering · Geomatics

1. Qualification of the programme The Master Course "Urban Agglomerations" (M.Sc.) offers an international and interdisciplinary formation in sustainable planning, development, management and operation of cities and urban agglomerations. Graduates achieve the following qualifications: • a broad intercultural perception of urban problems, experiences and practices as well in developed as in developing countries, • a knowledge of theories and practice, of instruments, and of physical, functional, and infrastructural concepts for urban and city-regional development, • a knowledge of theories and practice for planning, design, and management of technical infrastructure in urban agglomerations, • the capacity and methodologies to collect, to analyse and to present information necessary for decision-making • a broad understanding of project organisation and project management from a scientific as well as a practical point of view, • the ability to understand, formulate and critically evaluate central concerns of intercultural aspects of urbanisation, of migration, segregation, globalisation, • a comprehension of various approaches to public participation in urban processes • the ability to approach and to solve complex urban problems in interdisciplinary teams, in cooperation with local authorities, planning departments, and city-regional corporations. The Master Programme has an integrated international component with a compulsory International Exchange Course (30 ECTS) at an international partner university. The degree qualifies for positions in the following fields: public and private services, urban and regional authorities, development corporations, free-lance consultants, real estate agencies, research institutes, and others operating in planning, development, management and operation of cities urban agglomerations. The degree qualifies to apply for admission to doctoral studies.

Module Handbook for - Frankfurt UAS· Recommended reading Beatley, T. (2000), Green Urbanism: Learning from European Cities. Island Press, Washington DC Calthorpe, P. and Fulton, - [PDF Document] (4)

Seite 4/36 Module Handbook for Urban Agglomerations (M. Sc.)

Edition: 16 June 2014 FH Frankfurt am Main – University of Applied Sciences | Faculty 1: Architecture · Civil Engineering · Geomatics

2. Recommended study programme

Semester 1 (30 ECTS)

UA 1 Urban Planning and Development 10 ECTS

UA 2 Urban Culture and Governance 10 ECTS

UA 3 GIS and Remote Sensing 5 ECTS

UA 4 Scientific Methods and Academic Skills 5 ECTS

UA 5 Deutsche Sprache und Kommuni-kation 5 ECTS Semester 2

(30 ECTS) UA 6 Interdisciplinary Project Work 10 ECTS

UA 7 Urban Infrastructure 10 ECTS

UA 8 Urban Ecology and Environment 5 ECTS

Semester 3 (30 ECTS)

UA 9

International Exchange Course 30 ECTS

Semester 4 (30 ECTS)

UA 10

Master Thesis 30 ECTS

Module Handbook for - Frankfurt UAS· Recommended reading Beatley, T. (2000), Green Urbanism: Learning from European Cities. Island Press, Washington DC Calthorpe, P. and Fulton, - [PDF Document] (5)

Seite 5/36 Module Handbook for Urban Agglomerations (M. Sc.)

Edition: 16 June 2014 FH Frankfurt am Main – University of Applied Sciences | Faculty 1: Architecture · Civil Engineering · Geomatics

3. Module and ECTS overview Number Module Title ECTS Duration

(in sem.) Examination of the module Language

UA 1 Urban Planning and Development

10 1 Project work (12 weeks) and colloquium (min. 20, max. 30 minutes)


UA 2 Urban Culture and Governance

10 1 Written assignment (8 weeks) English

UA 3 GIS and Remote Sensing

5 1 Written exam (150 minutes)


UA 4 Scientific Methods and Academic Skills

5 2 Written assignment (8 weeks), partial exam (50%) Oral presentation, partial exam (50%)


UA 5 Deutsche Sprache und Kommunikation

5 2 Klausur (150 Minuten) Teilprüfung (50%) Mündliche Prüfung Teilprüfung (50%)


UA 6 Interdisciplinary Project Work

10 1 Project work (12 weeks) and colloquium (min. 20, max. 30 minutes)


UA 7 Urban Infrastructure 10 1 Written assignment (8 weeks) English

UA 8 Urban Ecology and Environment

5 1 Project work (12 weeks) and colloquium (min. 20, max. 30 minutes)


UA 9 International Exchange Course

30 1 Depending on the requirements at the partner university


UA 10 Master Thesis 30 1 Master Thesis (18 weeks) and colloquium (min. 30, max. 60 minutes)


Module Handbook for - Frankfurt UAS· Recommended reading Beatley, T. (2000), Green Urbanism: Learning from European Cities. Island Press, Washington DC Calthorpe, P. and Fulton, - [PDF Document] (6)

Seite 6/36 Module Handbook for Urban Agglomerations (M. Sc.)

Edition: 16 June 2014 FH Frankfurt am Main – University of Applied Sciences | Faculty 1: Architecture · Civil Engineering · Geomatics

Module description of Module UA 1 Module title Urban Planning and Development

Module number UA 1

Study programme Urban Agglomerations M.Sc.

Module code

Units UA 1.1 | UA 1.2 | UA 1.3 | UA 1.4

Level Advanced level course

Applicability of the module to other study programmes

Urban Agglomerations

Duration of the module 1 semester

Status of the module Compulsory module

Recommended semester during the study programme


Credit points (Cp) of the module 10 ECTS

Prerequisites for module participation


Recommended contents of previous modules


Prerequisites for module examination


Module examination Project work (12 weeks) and colloquium (min. 20, max. 30 minutes)

Intended learning outcomes / Acquired competences

Professional qualifications Familiarity with trends, characters and problems of global urbanisation Awareness of social, cultural, economic as well as geographic diversity in urbanisation and housing development worldwide Knowledge of theory and practice, of instruments and of physical, functional and infrastructural concepts for urban and city-regional development Understanding of key problems confronting urban development today and of fundamental approaches of how to develop more ecologically oriented cities Understanding of the concept of Inclusion in the urban planning process and awareness of Universal Design, its theory and practical application in a city-regional context Key qualifications Capacity of critical and reflected argumentation Familiarity with and respect for intercultural diversity Capacity to structure and develop a given project assignment Basic competences of data analysis, research and academic writing Presentation and communication skills

Contents of the module Urbanization and Housing in a Global Context Urban and City-regional Development Sustainable Cities Inclusive Cities and Universal Design

Teaching methods of the module Lectures, seminar, written assignments, project work, field trips

Total workload 300 hours

Language of the module English

Frequency of the module Once a year

Module coordination Prof. Dr. Michael Peterek

Further information

Module Handbook for - Frankfurt UAS· Recommended reading Beatley, T. (2000), Green Urbanism: Learning from European Cities. Island Press, Washington DC Calthorpe, P. and Fulton, - [PDF Document] (7)

Seite 7/36 Module Handbook for Urban Agglomerations (M. Sc.)

Edition: 16 June 2014 FH Frankfurt am Main – University of Applied Sciences | Faculty 1: Architecture · Civil Engineering · Geomatics

Unit description of Unit UA 1.1

Name of the unit UA 1.1 Urbanisation and Housing in a Global Context


Corresponding module UA 1 Urban Planning and Development

Lecturer Prof. Dr. Katrin Golda-Pongratz

Contents of the unit Theories, models, trends, and processes of worldwide urbanization and urban development Characters and typologies of cities and urban agglomerations in different regions and continents Newly emerging developments, processes and typologies of formal and informal settlements and housing provision Case-studies of selected urban agglomerations and megacities world-wide

Teaching methods Lectures, seminar, readings, discussions

Contact hours per week (SWS) 2 SWS

Total workload of the unit (h) 75 h

Total time of contact hours (h) 30 h

Total time of examination incl. preparation (h)

25 h

Total time of practical training (h) -----

Total time of self-study (h) 20 h

Language of the unit English

Recommended reading Brenner, N. and Keil, R. (eds) (2006) The Global Cities Reader. Routledge, London Brugmann, J. (2009) Welcome to the Urban Revolution. How Cities are Changing the World. Bloomsbury Press, New York et al Burdett, R. and Sudjic, D. (2011) Living in the Endless City. Phaidon, Berlin & London Burdett, R. and Sudjic, D. (2008) The Endless City. Phaidon, Berlin & London Gilbert, A. (ed) (1996) The Mega-city in Latin America. United Nations University Press, Tokyo Jenkins, P. et al (eds) (2007) Planning and Housing in the Rapidly Urbanising World. Routledge, London TRIALOG. A Journal for Planning and Building in the Third World Turner, John F.C. (1976) Housing by People: Towards Autonomy in Building Environments. Marion Boyars Publishing, London UN-Habitat (2003) The Challenge of Slums. Earthscan, London

Type and form of assessment Project work (12 weeks) and colloquium (min. 20, max. 30 minutes)

Grading of the assessment Differentiated grading (1,0 to 4,0)

Further information

Module Handbook for - Frankfurt UAS· Recommended reading Beatley, T. (2000), Green Urbanism: Learning from European Cities. Island Press, Washington DC Calthorpe, P. and Fulton, - [PDF Document] (8)

Seite 8/36 Module Handbook for Urban Agglomerations (M. Sc.)

Edition: 16 June 2014 FH Frankfurt am Main – University of Applied Sciences | Faculty 1: Architecture · Civil Engineering · Geomatics

Unit description of Unit UA 1.2

Name of the unit UA 1.2 Urban and City-regional Development


Corresponding module UA 1 Urban Planning and Development

Lecturer Prof. Dr. Michael Peterek

Contents of the unit Demographic, economic, social and cultural trends as driving-forces of urban and city-regional development Models, theories and practice of urban development since the period of industrialization Potentials and strategies of urban renewal and brownfields conversion The making of city-regions, their functions, image and morphologies Contemporary key-projects, best practices and innovative approaches to urban and city-regional development in Germany and Europe

Teaching methods Lectures, seminar, readings, presentations, excursions

Contact hours per week (SWS) 2 SWS

Total workload of the unit (h) 75 h

Total time of contact hours (h) 30 h

Total time of examination incl. preparation (h)

25 h

Total time of practical training (h) -----

Total time of self-study (h) 20 h

Language of the unit English

Recommended reading Bacon, E. (1976) Design of Cities. Harmondsworth, Middlesex Benevolo, L. (1980) History of the City. MIT Press. [German Edition: (2000) Die Geschichte der Stadt. Campus Verlag, Frankfurt am Main] Chen, X. et al (2013) Introduction to Cities. How Place and Space shape Human Experience. Wiley-Blackwell, Chicester Fainstein, S. and Campbell, S. (ed) (2012) Readings in Planning Theory. Wiley-Blackwell, Chicester Gaines, J. and Jäger, S. (2009) A Manifesto for Sustainable Cities: Think Local, Act Global / Albert Speer & Partner. Prestel, München Hall, P. (2002) Urban and Regional Planning. Routledge, London Jacobs, J. (1961) The Death and Life of Great American Cities. Random House, New York Jessen, J. et al (2008) Urbanity and the Planning Culture in Europe. Karl Krämer Verlag, Stuttgart Landry, C. (2001) The Creative City – A Toolkit for Urban Innovators. Earthscan, London LeGates, R.T. (ed) (2011) The City Reader. Routledge, London

Type and form of assessment Project work (12 weeks) and colloquium (min. 20, max. 30 minutes)

Grading of the assessment Differentiated grading (1,0 to 4,0)

Further information

Module Handbook for - Frankfurt UAS· Recommended reading Beatley, T. (2000), Green Urbanism: Learning from European Cities. Island Press, Washington DC Calthorpe, P. and Fulton, - [PDF Document] (9)

Seite 9/36 Module Handbook for Urban Agglomerations (M. Sc.)

Edition: 16 June 2014 FH Frankfurt am Main – University of Applied Sciences | Faculty 1: Architecture · Civil Engineering · Geomatics

Unit description of Unit UA 1.3 Name of the unit UA 1.3 Sustainable Cities


Corresponding module UA 1 Urban Planning and Development

Lecturer Prof. Jeff Kenworthy PhD

Contents of the unit The concept of sustainability, its history and its relationship to cities A transport and urban form history of cities Understanding automobile dependence Problems of automobile dependence Energy use in transport and the “peak oil problem” Traditional transport planning critique and new approaches Best practice in public transport and non-motorised modes New urbanism – the search for alternatives to urban sprawl Transit-oriented development The central city, human design and the role of public space Some case studies in more sustainable cities

Teaching methods Lectures, seminar

Contact hours per week (SWS) 3 SWS

Total workload of the unit (h) 110 h

Total time of contact hours (h) 45 h

Total time of examination incl. preparation (h)

35 h

Total time of practical training (h) -----

Total time of self-study (h) 30 h

Language of the unit English

Recommended reading Beatley, T. (2000), Green Urbanism: Learning from European Cities. Island Press, Washington DC Calthorpe, P. and Fulton, W. (2001) The Regional City: Planning for the End of Sprawl. Island Press, Washington DC Gehl, J. and Rogers, R. (2010) Cities for People. Island Press, Washington, DC Newman, P. and Jennings, I. (2008) Cities as Sustainable Ecosystems: Principles and Practices. Island Press, Washington DC Newman, P. and Kenworthy, J. (1999) Sustainability And Cities: Overcoming Automobile Dependence. Island Press, Washington, DC Schiller, P., Bruun, E. and Kenworthy, J. (2010) An Introduction to Sustainable Transportation: Policy, Planning and Implementation. Earthscan, London Voynovic, I. (ed) (2013) Urban Sustainability. A Global Perspective. Michigan State University Press, East Lansing

Type and form of assessment Project work (12 weeks) and colloquium (min. 20, max. 30 minutes)

Grading of the assessment Differentiated grading (1,0 to 4,0)

Further information

Module Handbook for - Frankfurt UAS· Recommended reading Beatley, T. (2000), Green Urbanism: Learning from European Cities. Island Press, Washington DC Calthorpe, P. and Fulton, - [PDF Document] (10)

Seite 10/36 Module Handbook for Urban Agglomerations (M. Sc.)

Edition: 16 June 2014 FH Frankfurt am Main – University of Applied Sciences | Faculty 1: Architecture · Civil Engineering · Geomatics

Unit description of Unit UA 1.4 Name of the unit UA 1.4 Inclusive Cities and Universal Design


Corresponding module UA 1 Urban Planning and Development

Lecturer Dipl.-Ing. Caroline Günther M.Sc.

Contents of the unit Demographic challenges of the cities in the future Analysis of the meaning of Inclusion and Universal Design Qualities of urban districts and neighbourhoods in terms of inclusion Standards and legal regulations Differences between developed and developing cities Looking at the cities potentials and future perspectives

Teaching methods Lectures, seminar, excursions

Contact hours per week (SWS) 1 SWS

Total workload of the unit (h) 40 h

Total time of contact hours (h) 15 h

Total time of examination incl. preparation (h)

15 h

Total time of practical training (h) -----

Total time of self-study (h) 10 h

Language of the unit English

Recommended reading A reading list will be communicated at the beginning of the course.

Type and form of assessment Project work (12 weeks) and colloquium (min. 20, max. 30 minutes)

Grading of the assessment Differentiated grading (1,0 to 4,0)

Further information

Module Handbook for - Frankfurt UAS· Recommended reading Beatley, T. (2000), Green Urbanism: Learning from European Cities. Island Press, Washington DC Calthorpe, P. and Fulton, - [PDF Document] (11)

Seite 11/36 Module Handbook for Urban Agglomerations (M. Sc.)

Edition: 16 June 2014 FH Frankfurt am Main – University of Applied Sciences | Faculty 1: Architecture · Civil Engineering · Geomatics

Module description of Module UA 2 Module title Urban Culture and Governance

Module number UA 2

Study programme Urban Agglomerations M.Sc.

Module code

Units UA 2.1 | UA 2.2 | UA 2.3

Level Advanced level course

Applicability of the module to other study programmes

Urban Agglomerations

Duration of the module 1 semester

Status of the module Compulsory module

Recommended semester during the study programme


Credit points (Cp) of the module 10 ECTS

Prerequisites for module participation


Recommended contents of previous modules


Prerequisites for module examination


Module examination Written assignment (8 weeks)

Intended learning outcomes / Acquired competences

Professional qualifications Ability to understand, formulate and critically evaluate the central concerns of social and intercultural aspects of urbanization, urbanity and diversity, identity and place, including the ongoing demographic changes and the effects of a globalizing world Knowledge of different international, national and local models and transdisciplinary approaches to city-regional organization and planning, concepts of governance and administration, legal instruments, financial tools, future challenges Knowledge of problems, potentials, strategies and instruments of land management within the context of urban development Awareness of the role of different stakeholders and public participation in governance and urban land management processes Key qualifications Ability to cooperate in teams and to develop and express an individual position Communication and presentation skills Academic writing skills Knowledge of research methods and academic standards

Contents of the module Social and Cultural Challenges of Cities Urban and City-regional Governance Practice and Instruments of Land Management

Teaching methods of the module Lectures, seminar, readings, discussions, presentations

Total workload 300 hours

Language of the module English

Frequency of the module Once a year

Module coordination Prof. Dr. Kathrin Golda-Pongratz

Further information

Module Handbook for - Frankfurt UAS· Recommended reading Beatley, T. (2000), Green Urbanism: Learning from European Cities. Island Press, Washington DC Calthorpe, P. and Fulton, - [PDF Document] (12)

Seite 12/36 Module Handbook for Urban Agglomerations (M. Sc.)

Edition: 16 June 2014 FH Frankfurt am Main – University of Applied Sciences | Faculty 1: Architecture · Civil Engineering · Geomatics

Unit description of Unit UA 2.1 Name of the unit UA 2.1 Social and Cultural Challenges of Cities


Corresponding module UA 2 Urban Culture and Governance

Lecturer Prof. Dr. Therese Neuer-Miebach

Contents of the unit Theories on cities and urban agglomerations Demography, social structure and urban development Effects of globalisation and migration on urban agglomerations The reciprocal socio-spatial relationship: segregation and marginalisation processes Citizenship, identity, diversity and the role of place in urban settings

Teaching methods Lectures, seminar, discussions, presentations

Contact hours per week (SWS) 3 SWS

Total workload of the unit (h) 120 h

Total time of contact hours (h) 45 h

Total time of examination incl. preparation (h)

30 h

Total time of practical training (h) -----

Total time of self-study (h) 45 h

Language of the unit English

Recommended reading Brenner, N. and Keil, R. (eds) (2006) The Global Cities Reader. Routledge, London Fainstein, S. and Campbell, S. (ed) (2011) Readings in Urban Theory. Wiley-Blackwell, Chicester Harvey, D. (2009) Social Justice and the City. University of Georgia Press, Athens (Georgia) Lees, L. et al (2010) The Gentrification Reader. Routledge, London. Sassen, S. (2001) The Global City. Princeton University Press, New York et al

Type and form of assessment Written assignment (8 weeks) with 45 % valence of total module assessment

Grading of the assessment Differentiated grading (1,0 to 4,0)

Further information

Module Handbook for - Frankfurt UAS· Recommended reading Beatley, T. (2000), Green Urbanism: Learning from European Cities. Island Press, Washington DC Calthorpe, P. and Fulton, - [PDF Document] (13)

Seite 13/36 Module Handbook for Urban Agglomerations (M. Sc.)

Edition: 16 June 2014 FH Frankfurt am Main – University of Applied Sciences | Faculty 1: Architecture · Civil Engineering · Geomatics

Unit description of Unit UA 2.2 Name of the unit UA 2.2 Urban and City-regional Governance


Corresponding module UA 2 Urban Culture and Governance

Lecturer Prof. Dr. Kathrin Golda-Pongratz

Contents of the unit Legal, administrative and financial framework of city-regions and urban agglomerations Models of governance of cities and urban agglomerations Actors and stake-holders in the planning process Public-private-partnership and project management on the city-regional scale New actors, NGOs, Community-Based Organisations and public participation Future challenges of regional governance

Teaching methods Lectures, seminar, readings, discussions, excursions

Contact hours per week (SWS) 2 SWS

Total workload of the unit (h) 90 h

Total time of contact hours (h) 30 h

Total time of examination incl. preparation (h)

25 h

Total time of practical training (h) -----

Total time of self-study (h) 35 h

Language of the unit English

Recommended reading Angel, S., Parent, J., Civco D.L. and A. M. Blei (2010) Atlas of Urban Expansion. Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, Cambridge (MA) Birch, E. (2008) The Urban and Regional Planning Reader. Routledge Urban Readers Series, London Sieverts, T. (2003) Cities without cities: An interpretation of the Zwischenstadt. Spon Press, London. Simmonds, R. and Hack, G. (2000) Global City Regions: Their Emerging Forms. Spon Press, London Soja, Edward W. (2006) Postmetropolis: Critical Studies of Cities and Regions [Reprint.]. Blackwell, Oxford Ruble, B.A., Stren, R., Tulchin, J.S. and Varat, D.H. (eds.) (2001) Urban Governance around the World. Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington DC

Type and form of assessment Written assignment (8 weeks) with 27,5 % valence of total module assessment

Grading of the assessment Differentiated grading (1,0 to 4,0)

Further information

Module Handbook for - Frankfurt UAS· Recommended reading Beatley, T. (2000), Green Urbanism: Learning from European Cities. Island Press, Washington DC Calthorpe, P. and Fulton, - [PDF Document] (14)

Seite 14/36 Module Handbook for Urban Agglomerations (M. Sc.)

Edition: 16 June 2014 FH Frankfurt am Main – University of Applied Sciences | Faculty 1: Architecture · Civil Engineering · Geomatics

Unit description of Unit UA 2.3 Name of the unit UA 2.3 Practice and Instruments of Land Management


Corresponding module UA 2 Urban Culture and Governance

Lecturer Prof. Dr. Fabian Thiel

Contents of the unit Legal instruments, hierarchies and procedures of regional and urban planning and land management Land management and land administration processes Land Policy Strategic land management Property rights and social responsibility in an international perspective

Teaching methods Lectures, seminar

Contact hours per week (SWS) 2 SWS

Total workload of the unit (h) 90 h

Total time of contact hours (h) 30 h

Total time of examination incl. preparation (h)

25 h

Total time of practical training (h) -----

Total time of self-study (h) 35 h

Language of the unit English

Recommended reading Cole, D. H. and Ostrom, E. (eds.) (2012) Property in Land and Other Resources. Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, Cambridge (MA) Deininger, K. (2003) Land Policies for Growth and Poverty Reduction. The World Bank research report. Washington DC George, H. (1879) Progress and Poverty. Robert Schalkenbach Foundation, Reprint 1940, New York Gray, K. and Gray, S. F. (2008) Elements of Land Law, 5th edition. Oxford University Press, Oxford Priemus, H. (ed) (2007) Land Use Planning. Elgar, Cheltenham Williamson, I., Enemark, S., Wallace, J. and Rajabifard, A. (2010) Land Administration for Sustainable Development. Redlands (CA)

Type and form of assessment Written assignment (8 weeks) with 27,5 % valence of total module assessment

Grading of the assessment Differentiated grading (1,0 to 4,0)

Further information

Module Handbook for - Frankfurt UAS· Recommended reading Beatley, T. (2000), Green Urbanism: Learning from European Cities. Island Press, Washington DC Calthorpe, P. and Fulton, - [PDF Document] (15)

Seite 15/36 Module Handbook for Urban Agglomerations (M. Sc.)

Edition: 16 June 2014 FH Frankfurt am Main – University of Applied Sciences | Faculty 1: Architecture · Civil Engineering · Geomatics

Module description of Module UA 3 Module title GIS and Remote Sensing

Module number UA 3

Study programme Urban Agglomerations M.Sc.

Module code

Units UA 3.1 | UA 3.2

Level Advanced level course

Applicability of the module to other study programmes

Urban Agglomerations

Duration of the module 1 semester

Status of the module Compulsory module

Recommended semester during the study programme


Credit points (Cp) of the module 5 ECTS

Prerequisites for module participation


Recommended contents of previous modules


Prerequisites for module examination


Module examination Written exam (150 minutes)

Intended learning outcomes / Acquired competences

Professional qualifications Knowledge of theory and practice of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) within the context of urban agglomerations Understanding the key concepts of Remote Sensing, the efficient selection, pre-processing and classification of Remote Sensing data Knowledge of the optimal analysis of image data for purposes of urban and city-regional development Key qualifications General IT competences Ability to capture, visualize and interpret digital data

Contents of the module GIS Remote Sensing

Teaching methods of the module Lectures, exercises

Total workload 150 hours

Language of the module English

Frequency of the module Once a year

Module coordination Prof. Dr. René Thiele

Further information

Module Handbook for - Frankfurt UAS· Recommended reading Beatley, T. (2000), Green Urbanism: Learning from European Cities. Island Press, Washington DC Calthorpe, P. and Fulton, - [PDF Document] (16)

Seite 16/36 Module Handbook for Urban Agglomerations (M. Sc.)

Edition: 16 June 2014 FH Frankfurt am Main – University of Applied Sciences | Faculty 1: Architecture · Civil Engineering · Geomatics

Unit description of Unit UA 3.1 Name of the unit UA 3.1 GIS


Corresponding module UA 3 GIS and Remote Sensing

Lecturer Prof. Dr. René Thiele

Contents of the unit Concepts of GIS, combining data from different sources, interaction, applications Converting data to information GIS practical applications for urban agglomerations

Teaching methods Lectures, exercises

Contact hours per week (SWS) 3 SWS

Total workload of the unit (h) 110 h

Total time of contact hours (h) 45 h

Total time of examination incl. preparation (h)

25 h

Total time of practical training (h) -----

Total time of self-study (h) 40 h

Language of the unit English

Recommended reading A reading list will be communicated at the beginning of the course.

Type and form of assessment Written exam (150 minutes)

Grading of the assessment Differentiated grading (1,0 to 4,0)

Further information

Module Handbook for - Frankfurt UAS· Recommended reading Beatley, T. (2000), Green Urbanism: Learning from European Cities. Island Press, Washington DC Calthorpe, P. and Fulton, - [PDF Document] (17)

Seite 17/36 Module Handbook for Urban Agglomerations (M. Sc.)

Edition: 16 June 2014 FH Frankfurt am Main – University of Applied Sciences | Faculty 1: Architecture · Civil Engineering · Geomatics

Unit description of Unit UA 3.2 Name of the unit UA 3.2 Remote Sensing


Corresponding module UA 3 GIS and Remote Sensing

Lecturer Prof. Dr. Ansgar Greiwe

Contents of the unit Introduction to the physical basics of remote sensing: visible and near infrared spectrum, sensors Analysis techniques: radiometric indices and supervised classification methods Lab exercises: overview of the capacity of remote sensing to identify and monitor land surfaces and environmental conditions as well as change detection in urban environments

Teaching methods Lectures, exercises

Contact hours per week (SWS) 1 SWS

Total workload of the unit (h) 40 h

Total time of contact hours (h) 15 h

Total time of examination incl. preparation (h)

10 h

Total time of practical training (h) -----

Total time of self-study (h) 15 h

Language of the unit English

Recommended reading Campbell, James B. und Wynne, Randolph H. (2011) Introduction to Remote Sensing. The Guilford Press, New York Lillesand, Thomas M., Kiefer, Ralph W. and Chipman, Jonathan W. (2008) Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation, 6th Edition. John Wiley and Sons, Hoboken (NJ) Schowengert, R. (2007) Remote Sensing – Models and Methods for Image Processing. Elsevier, Oxford

Type and form of assessment Written exam (150 minutes)

Grading of the assessment Differentiated grading (1,0 to 4,0)

Further information

Module Handbook for - Frankfurt UAS· Recommended reading Beatley, T. (2000), Green Urbanism: Learning from European Cities. Island Press, Washington DC Calthorpe, P. and Fulton, - [PDF Document] (18)

Seite 18/36 Module Handbook for Urban Agglomerations (M. Sc.)

Edition: 16 June 2014 FH Frankfurt am Main – University of Applied Sciences | Faculty 1: Architecture · Civil Engineering · Geomatics

Module description of Module UA 4 Module title Scientific Methods and Academic Skills

Module number UA 4

Study programme Urban Agglomerations M.Sc.

Module code

Units UA 4.1 | UA 4.2

Level Advanced level course

Applicability of the module to other study programmes

Urban Agglomerations

Duration of the module 2 semesters

Status of the module Compulsory module

Recommended semester during the study programme

1 + 2

Credit points (Cp) of the module 5 ECTS

Prerequisites for module participation


Recommended contents of previous modules


Prerequisites for module examination


Module examination Written assignment (8 weeks), partial exam (50%) Oral presentation, partial exam (50%)

Intended learning outcomes / Acquired competences

Professional qualifications Profound knowledge about scientific tools and different methods of academic research Competences of academic writing and thesis development Ability to present a self-developed topic in front of a public audience Ability to moderate group meetings and public discussions Key qualifications Substantial know-how of the research, presentation and moderation related computer programmes and digital technologies

Contents of the module Methods of Scientific Research and Academic Writing Presentation and Moderation Skills

Teaching methods of the module Lectures, seminar, exercises

Total workload 150 hours

Language of the module English

Frequency of the module Once a year

Module coordination Prof. Dr. Kathrin Golda-Pongratz

Further information

Module Handbook for - Frankfurt UAS· Recommended reading Beatley, T. (2000), Green Urbanism: Learning from European Cities. Island Press, Washington DC Calthorpe, P. and Fulton, - [PDF Document] (19)

Seite 19/36 Module Handbook for Urban Agglomerations (M. Sc.)

Edition: 16 June 2014 FH Frankfurt am Main – University of Applied Sciences | Faculty 1: Architecture · Civil Engineering · Geomatics

Unit description of Unit UA 4.1 Name of the unit UA 4.1 Methods of Scientific Research and Academic Writing


Corresponding module UA 4 Scientific Methods and Academic Skills

Lecturer Prof. Jeff Kenworthy, PhD | Prof. Dr. Kathrin Golda-Pongratz | Dr. Ulrike Reichardt

Contents of the unit General introduction to scientific research, including research design, research standards, project proposals, empirical research methods, such as surveys, questionnaires, working with data, map-based analytical tools Critical reading and text analysis Key elements of academic essays, projects and theses Scientific writing in style and form Working with databanks and the internet, correct referencing Ethical questions Short academic writing exercises

Teaching methods Lectures, seminar, exercises

Contact hours per week (SWS) 2 SWS (winter semester)

Total workload of the unit (h) 100 h

Total time of contact hours (h) 30 h

Total time of examination incl. preparation (h)

30 h

Total time of practical training (h) -----

Total time of self-study (h) 40 h

Language of the unit English

Recommended reading Booth, W.C., Colomb, G.G. and Williams, J.M. (2008) The Craft of Research. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago & London Denscombe, M. (2007) The Good Research Guide for Small-Scale Social Research Projects. Open University Press, Maidenhead Eco, U. (1977) Come si fa una tesi di laurea [How to Write a Thesis]. Bompiani, Milano

Type and form of assessment Written assignment (8 weeks), partial exam (50%)

Grading of the assessment Differentiated grading (1,0 to 4,0)

Further information

Module Handbook for - Frankfurt UAS· Recommended reading Beatley, T. (2000), Green Urbanism: Learning from European Cities. Island Press, Washington DC Calthorpe, P. and Fulton, - [PDF Document] (20)

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Edition: 16 June 2014 FH Frankfurt am Main – University of Applied Sciences | Faculty 1: Architecture · Civil Engineering · Geomatics

Unit description of Unit UA 4.2 Name of the unit UA 4.2 Presentation and Moderation Skills


Corresponding module UA 4 Scientific Methods and Academic Skills

Lecturer NN

Contents of the unit Techniques of presentation Techniques of moderation Practical exercises and training in presentation and moderation

Teaching methods Seminar, exercises, presentations

Contact hours per week (SWS) 1 SWS (summer semester)

Total workload of the unit (h) 50 h

Total time of contact hours (h) 15 h

Total time of examination incl. preparation (h)

15 h

Total time of practical training (h) -----

Total time of self-study (h) 20 h

Language of the unit English

Recommended reading A reading list will be communicated at the beginning of the course.

Type and form of assessment Oral presentation, partial exam (50%)

Grading of the assessment Differentiated grading (1,0 to 4,0)

Further information

Module Handbook for - Frankfurt UAS· Recommended reading Beatley, T. (2000), Green Urbanism: Learning from European Cities. Island Press, Washington DC Calthorpe, P. and Fulton, - [PDF Document] (21)

Seite 21/36 Module Handbook for Urban Agglomerations (M. Sc.)

Edition: 16 June 2014 FH Frankfurt am Main – University of Applied Sciences | Faculty 1: Architecture · Civil Engineering · Geomatics

Module Description of Module UA 5 Modultitel Deutsche Sprache und Kommunikation

Modulnummer UA 5

Studiengang Urban Agglomerations M.Sc.


Units UA 5.1

Niveaustufe / Level Basic and intermediate level

Verwendbarkeit des Moduls Urban Agglomerations

Dauer des Moduls 2 Semester

Status Pflichtmodul

Empfohlenes Semester im Studienverlauf

1 + 2

Credits des Moduls 5 ECTS

Voraussetzungen für die Teilnahme am Modul


Inhaltlich erforderliche Voraussetzungen


Voraussetzungen für die Teilnahme an der Modulprüfung


Modulprüfung Klausur (150 Minuten), Teilprüfung (50%) Mündliche Prüfung, Teilprüfung (50%)

Lernergebnis / Kompetenzen Fachkompetenzen Befähigung in deutscher Sprache im beruflichen Kontext kommunizieren, lesen und schreiben zu können Überfachliche Kompetenzen Besondere Kompetenzen in verbaler Kommunikation und freiem Sprechen Präsentationsfähigkeiten

Inhalte des Moduls Deutsche Sprache und Kommunikation

Lehrformen des Moduls Seminar, Übungen, Präsentationen

Arbeitsaufwand (h) / Gesamtworkload des Moduls

150 Stunden

Sprache Deutsch

Häufigkeit des Angebots Jährlich

Modulkoordination Prof. Dr. Michael Peterek

Hinweise Deutsche Muttersprachler und Studierende mit bereits umfassenden Deutschkenntnissen können das Modul “Deutsche Sprache und Kommunikation” durch ein anderes Sprache- und Kommunikationsmodul ersetzen. Dazu ist die Zustimmung des Prüfungsausschusses einzuholen.

Module Handbook for - Frankfurt UAS· Recommended reading Beatley, T. (2000), Green Urbanism: Learning from European Cities. Island Press, Washington DC Calthorpe, P. and Fulton, - [PDF Document] (22)

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Edition: 16 June 2014 FH Frankfurt am Main – University of Applied Sciences | Faculty 1: Architecture · Civil Engineering · Geomatics

Unit description of Unit UA 5.1 Name der Unit UA 5.1 Deutsche Sprache und Kommunikation


Name des zugehörigen Moduls UA 5 Deutsche Sprache und Kommunikation

Lehrende/r Sonja Altmüller (Fachsprachenzentrum)

Inhalt der Unit Kommunikation in deutscher Sprache im Alltag und im beruflichen Kontext Schreiben auf Deutsch Lesen von deutschen Texten und berufsbezogenen Dokumenten

Lehrform Seminar, Übungen, Präsentationen

SWS der Unit 2 SWS über 2 Semester

Arbeitsaufwand (h) / Workload 150 Stunden

Anteil der Präsenzzeit 60 Stunden

Anteil Prüfungszeit inkl. Prüfungsvorbereitung

30 Stunden

Anteil Praxiszeit -----

Anteil Selbststudium 60 Stunden

Sprache der Unit Deutsch

Basis-Literatur Die zu verwendenden Lehrbücher werden zu Beginn der Lehrveranstaltung bekannt gegeben.

Art und Form des Leistungsnachweises

Klausur (150 Minuten), Teilprüfung (50%) Mündliche Prüfung, Teilprüfung (50%)

Bewertung des Leistungsnachweises

Differenziert (1,0 bis 4,0)


Module Handbook for - Frankfurt UAS· Recommended reading Beatley, T. (2000), Green Urbanism: Learning from European Cities. Island Press, Washington DC Calthorpe, P. and Fulton, - [PDF Document] (23)

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Edition: 16 June 2014 FH Frankfurt am Main – University of Applied Sciences | Faculty 1: Architecture · Civil Engineering · Geomatics

Module description of Module UA 6 Module title Interdisciplinary Project Work

Module number UA 6

Study programme Urban Agglomerations M.Sc.

Module code

Units UA 6.1

Level Advanced level course

Applicability of the module to other study programmes

Urban Agglomerations

Duration of the module 1 semester

Status of the module Compulsory module

Recommended semester during the study programme


Credit points (Cp) of the module 10 ECTS

Prerequisites for module participation


Recommended contents of previous modules


Prerequisites for module examination


Module examination Project work (12 weeks) and colloquium (min. 20, max. 30 minutes)

Intended learning outcomes / Acquired competences

Professional qualifications Ability to carry out scientific work and research on a given professional topic, following a sound methodology and with respect to the different technical, social and cultural dimensions of city-regions and urban agglomerations Competence to work individually as well as within interdisciplinary and intercultural teams and projects, to organize individual and group project work, and to finalize the results in a scientific report and project documentation Key qualifications Capacity to structure and develop a given assignment Technical report writing skills Group moderation and mediation capacities Competences in intercultural communication Leadership competences Project management skills Presentation skills

Contents of the module Interdisciplinary Project Work

Teaching methods of the module Seminar, project work, presentations

Total workload 300 hours

Language of the module English

Frequency of the module Once a year

Module coordination Prof. Dr. Kathrin Golda-Pongratz

Further information

Module Handbook for - Frankfurt UAS· Recommended reading Beatley, T. (2000), Green Urbanism: Learning from European Cities. Island Press, Washington DC Calthorpe, P. and Fulton, - [PDF Document] (24)

Seite 24/36 Module Handbook for Urban Agglomerations (M. Sc.)

Edition: 16 June 2014 FH Frankfurt am Main – University of Applied Sciences | Faculty 1: Architecture · Civil Engineering · Geomatics

Unit description of Unit UA 6.1 Name of the unit UA 6.1 Interdisciplinary Project Work


Corresponding module UA 6 Interdisciplinary Project Work

Lecturer Prof. Dr. Kathrin Golda-Pongratz | Prof. Jeff Kenworthy PhD.

Contents of the unit Systematic project work, with an either more theoretical/conceptual weight or more empirical, practical orientation, partly done in interdisciplinary groups, on selected issues out of the different fields and scales (from the neighbourhood to the region) of urban agglomerations Context analysis, formulation of project objectives and intended methodologies, collection, evaluation and synthesis of information, finalising of concepts, conclusions and recommendations, scientific report and public presentation of the project

Teaching methods Seminar, project work, intermediate and final presentations

Contact hours per week (SWS) 4 SWS

Total workload of the unit (h) 300 h

Total time of contact hours (h) 60 h

Total time of examination incl. preparation (h)

180 h

Total time of practical training (h) -----

Total time of self-study (h) 60 h

Language of the unit English

Recommended reading Depending on the specific project, recommended literature will be communicated at the beginning of the course.

Type and form of assessment Project work (12 weeks) and colloquium (min. 20, max. 30 minutes)

Grading of the assessment Differentiated grading (1,0 to 4,0)

Further information Definition of the specific topic depending on the interests of the students and student groups and the particular teaching and research activities of the involved professors of „Urban Agglomerations“

Module Handbook for - Frankfurt UAS· Recommended reading Beatley, T. (2000), Green Urbanism: Learning from European Cities. Island Press, Washington DC Calthorpe, P. and Fulton, - [PDF Document] (25)

Seite 25/36 Module Handbook for Urban Agglomerations (M. Sc.)

Edition: 16 June 2014 FH Frankfurt am Main – University of Applied Sciences | Faculty 1: Architecture · Civil Engineering · Geomatics

Module description of Module UA 7 Module title Urban Infrastructure

Module number UA 7

Study programme Urban Agglomerations M.Sc.

Module code

Units UA 7.1 | UA 7.2 | UA 7.3 | UA 7.4

Level Advanced level course

Applicability of the module to other study programmes

Urban Agglomerations

Duration of the module 1 semester

Status of the module Compulsory module

Recommended semester during the study programme


Credit points (Cp) of the module 10 ECTS

Prerequisites for module participation


Recommended contents of previous modules


Prerequisites for module examination


Module examination Written assignment (8 weeks)

Intended learning outcomes / Acquired competences

Professional qualifications Knowledge of theories and practice of technical infrastructure in water supply and sewage systems, with a particular focus on management, operation and finance possibilities Knowledge of theories and practice of technical infrastructure in waste management within the context of city-regions and urban agglomerations Knowledge of scientific methods and practical applications for planning, design and services of transportations systems for the flowing and the parking traffic, public transport, bicycle and pedestrian traffic in city-regions Key qualifications Competences of academic writing Presentation skills Teamwork competences

Contents of the module Water Management Wastewater Management Waste Management Traffic Management

Teaching methods of the module Lectures, seminar

Total workload 300 hours

Language of the module English

Frequency of the module Once a year

Module coordination Prof. Dr. Antje Welker

Further information

Module Handbook for - Frankfurt UAS· Recommended reading Beatley, T. (2000), Green Urbanism: Learning from European Cities. Island Press, Washington DC Calthorpe, P. and Fulton, - [PDF Document] (26)

Seite 26/36 Module Handbook for Urban Agglomerations (M. Sc.)

Edition: 16 June 2014 FH Frankfurt am Main – University of Applied Sciences | Faculty 1: Architecture · Civil Engineering · Geomatics

Unit description of Unit UA 7.1 Name of the unit UA 7.1 Water Management


Corresponding module UA 7 Urban Infrastructure

Lecturer Prof. Dr. Monika Horster

Contents of the unit Water demand and potentials to reduce demand Water sources, quality and treatment Water distribution, net types, controlling and maintaining of pipe network Health and environmental impact aspects of water pollution

Teaching methods Lectures, seminar

Contact hours per week (SWS) 2 SWS

Total workload of the unit (h) 75 h

Total time of contact hours (h) 30 h

Total time of examination incl. preparation (h)

20 h

Total time of practical training (h) -----

Total time of self-study (h) 25 h

Language of the unit English

Recommended reading A reading list will be communicated at the beginning of the course.

Type and form of assessment Written assignment (8 weeks) with 25 % valence of total module assessment

Grading of the assessment Differentiated grading (1,0 to 4,0)

Further information

Module Handbook for - Frankfurt UAS· Recommended reading Beatley, T. (2000), Green Urbanism: Learning from European Cities. Island Press, Washington DC Calthorpe, P. and Fulton, - [PDF Document] (27)

Seite 27/36 Module Handbook for Urban Agglomerations (M. Sc.)

Edition: 16 June 2014 FH Frankfurt am Main – University of Applied Sciences | Faculty 1: Architecture · Civil Engineering · Geomatics

Unit description of Unit UA 7.2 Name of the unit UA 7.2 Wastewater Management


Corresponding module UA 7 Urban Infrastructure

Lecturer Prof. Dr. Carsten Dierkes

Contents of the unit Components of sewage, sewerage systems, stormwater management Quantity of sewage and requirements of wastewater treatment, mechanical and biological treatment, sludge treatment, reuse of sewage and sludge Health and environmental impact aspects of wastewater pollution from an engineering point of view Stormwater treatment and infiltration, rainwater harvesting methods International examples of wastewater and stormwater projects

Teaching methods Lectures, seminar

Contact hours per week (SWS) 2 SWS

Total workload of the unit (h) 75 h

Total time of contact hours (h) 30 h

Total time of examination incl. preparation (h)

20 h

Total time of practical training (h) -----

Total time of self-study (h) 25 h

Language of the unit English

Recommended reading Butler, D. and Davies, J. (2010) Urban Drainage, 3rd Edition. Spon Press, London Water Environment Federation (2012) Wastewater Treatment Plant Design Handbook. Water Environment Federation, Alexandria (USA) Aarne Vesilind, P. (2003) Wastewater Treatment Plant Design. IWA Publishing

Type and form of assessment Written assignment (8 weeks) with 25 % valence of total module assessment

Grading of the assessment Differentiated grading (1,0 to 4,0)

Further information

Module Handbook for - Frankfurt UAS· Recommended reading Beatley, T. (2000), Green Urbanism: Learning from European Cities. Island Press, Washington DC Calthorpe, P. and Fulton, - [PDF Document] (28)

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Edition: 16 June 2014 FH Frankfurt am Main – University of Applied Sciences | Faculty 1: Architecture · Civil Engineering · Geomatics

Unit description of Unit UA 7.3 Name of the unit UA 7.3 Waste Management


Corresponding module UA 7 Urban Infrastructure

Lecturer Prof. Dr. Antje Welker

Contents of the unit Type and quantities of waste Waste prevention, collection systems, recycling techniques Biological and thermal treatment, landfills

Teaching methods Lectures, seminar

Contact hours per week (SWS) 2 SWS

Total workload of the unit (h) 75 h

Total time of contact hours (h) 30 h

Total time of examination incl. preparation (h)

20 h

Total time of practical training (h) -----

Total time of self-study (h) 25 h

Language of the unit English

Recommended reading Hoornweg, D. and Bhada-Tata, P. (2012) What a Waste: a Global Review of Solid Waste Management, Urban Development Series, Knowledge Papers No. 15. The World Bank, Washington, D.C. [Online resource:] Chandrappa, R. and Busan Das, D. (2012) Solid Waste Management: Principles and Practice. Springer Verlag, Berlin

Type and form of assessment Written assignment (8 weeks) with 25 % valence of total module assessment

Grading of the assessment Differentiated grading (1,0 to 4,0)

Further information

Module Handbook for - Frankfurt UAS· Recommended reading Beatley, T. (2000), Green Urbanism: Learning from European Cities. Island Press, Washington DC Calthorpe, P. and Fulton, - [PDF Document] (29)

Seite 29/36 Module Handbook for Urban Agglomerations (M. Sc.)

Edition: 16 June 2014 FH Frankfurt am Main – University of Applied Sciences | Faculty 1: Architecture · Civil Engineering · Geomatics

Unit description of Unit UA 7.4 Name of the unit UA 7.4 Traffic Management


Corresponding module UA 7 Urban Infrastructure

Lecturer Prof. Dr. Petra Schäfer

Contents of the unit Traffic management systems Efficient public transport in city-regions by bus, tram, underground, railway Bicycle and pedestrian traffic Street capacities, quality of life and traffic-reducing concepts New communication technologies and traffic guidance systems Parking management, road pricing, general pricing strategies Best practices and case-studies of transport projects and policies

Teaching methods Lectures, seminar

Contact hours per week (SWS) 2 SWS

Total workload of the unit (h) 75 h

Total time of contact hours (h) 30 h

Total time of examination incl. preparation (h)

20 h

Total time of practical training (h) -----

Total time of self-study (h) 25 h

Language of the unit English

Recommended reading Iles, R. (2005) Public Transport in Developing Countries. Elsevier, Amsterdam

Type and form of assessment Written assignment (8 weeks) with 25 % valence of total module assessment

Grading of the assessment Differentiated grading (1,0 to 4,0)

Further information

Module Handbook for - Frankfurt UAS· Recommended reading Beatley, T. (2000), Green Urbanism: Learning from European Cities. Island Press, Washington DC Calthorpe, P. and Fulton, - [PDF Document] (30)

Seite 30/36 Module Handbook for Urban Agglomerations (M. Sc.)

Edition: 16 June 2014 FH Frankfurt am Main – University of Applied Sciences | Faculty 1: Architecture · Civil Engineering · Geomatics

Module description of Module UA 8 Module title Urban Ecology and Environment

Module number UA 8

Study programme Urban Agglomerations M.Sc.

Module code

Units UA 8.1 | UA 8. 2 | UA 8.3

Level Advanced level course

Applicability of the module to other study programmes

Urban Agglomerations

Duration of the module 1 semester

Status of the module Compulsory module

Recommended semester during the study programme


Credit points (Cp) of the module 5 ECTS

Prerequisites for module participation


Recommended contents of previous modules


Prerequisites for module examination


Module examination Project work (12 weeks) and colloquium (min. 20, max. 30 minutes)

Intended learning outcomes / Acquired competences

Professional qualifications Knowledge of the technical, functional, ecological and aesthetic basics of landscape and environmental development and greening in urban agglomerations Knowledge of theories and practice of energy supply and energy efficiency within cities Key qualifications Capacity to structure and develop a given project assignment Competences of academic writing Ability to organize and moderate teamwork Presentation and communication competences

Contents of the module Urban and Regional Open Spaces Urban Climate and Environmental Management Energy Efficiency and Supply for Cities

Teaching methods of the module Lectures, seminar, project work, field trips

Total workload 150 hours

Language of the module English

Frequency of the module Once a year

Module coordination Dipl.-Ing. Ulla Schuch

Further information

Module Handbook for - Frankfurt UAS· Recommended reading Beatley, T. (2000), Green Urbanism: Learning from European Cities. Island Press, Washington DC Calthorpe, P. and Fulton, - [PDF Document] (31)

Seite 31/36 Module Handbook for Urban Agglomerations (M. Sc.)

Edition: 16 June 2014 FH Frankfurt am Main – University of Applied Sciences | Faculty 1: Architecture · Civil Engineering · Geomatics

Unit description of Unit UA 8.1 Name of the unit UA 8.1 Urban and Regional Open Spaces


Corresponding module UA 8 Urban Ecology and Environment

Lecturer Dipl.-Ing. Ulla Schuch

Contents of the unit Elements, functions and network systems of urban and city-regional landscapes Technical knowledge of the elements contributing to the urban and regional ecology (plants, animal, water, climate etc.) Examples and best-practices of urban and city-regional landscape and open spaces development

Teaching methods Seminar, presentations, excursions

Contact hours per week (SWS) 2 SWS

Total workload of the unit (h) 75 h

Total time of contact hours (h) 30 h

Total time of examination incl. preparation (h)

25 h

Total time of practical training (h) -----

Total time of self-study (h) 20 h

Language of the unit English

Recommended reading Tate, A. (2001) Great City Parks. Spon Press, London Turner, T. (2007) Landscape Planning and Environmental Impact Design. Routledge, London Waldheim, C. (ed) (2006) The Landscape Urbanism Reader. Princeton Architectural Press, New York Woolley, H. (2006) Urban Open Spaces. Spon Press, London

Type and form of assessment Project work (12 weeks) and colloquium (min. 20, max. 30 minutes)

Grading of the assessment Differentiated grading (1,0 to 4,0)

Further information

Module Handbook for - Frankfurt UAS· Recommended reading Beatley, T. (2000), Green Urbanism: Learning from European Cities. Island Press, Washington DC Calthorpe, P. and Fulton, - [PDF Document] (32)

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Edition: 16 June 2014 FH Frankfurt am Main – University of Applied Sciences | Faculty 1: Architecture · Civil Engineering · Geomatics

Unit description of Unit UA 8.2 Name of the unit UA 8.2 Urban Climate and Environmental Management


Corresponding module UA 8 Urban Ecology and Environment

Lecturer Prof. Dr. Martina Klärle | Prof. Jeff Kenworthy PhD.

Contents of the unit Knowledge-based methods of environmental monitoring Potentials of renewable energies in urban and regional development Green cities and green design

Teaching methods Seminar

Contact hours per week (SWS) 1 SWS

Total workload of the unit (h) 37,5 h

Total time of contact hours (h) 15 h

Total time of examination incl. preparation (h)

10 h

Total time of practical training (h) -----

Total time of self-study (h) 12,5 h

Language of the unit English

Recommended reading Berg, J. (ed) (2007) Environmental Planning. Elgar, Cheltenham Beatley, T. (2000), Green Urbanism: Learning from European Cities. Island Press, Washington DC Tang, Z. (ed.) (2013) Eco-City and Green Community: The Evolution of Planning Theory and Practice. Nova Science Publishers, Hauppauge (NY)

Type and form of assessment Project work (12 weeks) and colloquium (min. 20, max. 30 minutes)

Grading of the assessment Differentiated grading (1,0 to 4,0)

Further information

Module Handbook for - Frankfurt UAS· Recommended reading Beatley, T. (2000), Green Urbanism: Learning from European Cities. Island Press, Washington DC Calthorpe, P. and Fulton, - [PDF Document] (33)

Seite 33/36 Module Handbook for Urban Agglomerations (M. Sc.)

Edition: 16 June 2014 FH Frankfurt am Main – University of Applied Sciences | Faculty 1: Architecture · Civil Engineering · Geomatics

Unit description of Unit UA 8.3 Name of the unit UA 8.3 Energy Efficiency and Supply for Cities


Corresponding module UA 8 Urban Ecology and Environment

Lecturer Dr. Werner Neumann

Contents of the unit Fossil and renewable energies Risks and challenges of climate change Energy demand and energy provision in cities Energy-reducing potentials and concepts for more energy efficient cities

Teaching methods Lecture, seminar

Contact hours per week (SWS) 1 SWS

Total workload of the unit (h) 37,5 h

Total time of contact hours (h) 15 h

Total time of examination incl. preparation (h)

10 h

Total time of practical training (h) -----

Total time of self-study (h) 12,5 h

Language of the unit English

Recommended reading Droege, P. (2008) Urban Energy Transition. From Fossil Fuels to Renewable Power. Elsevier, Amsterdam

Type and form of assessment Project work (12 weeks) and colloquium (min. 20, max. 30 minutes)

Grading of the assessment Differentiated grading (1,0 to 4,0)

Further information

Module Handbook for - Frankfurt UAS· Recommended reading Beatley, T. (2000), Green Urbanism: Learning from European Cities. Island Press, Washington DC Calthorpe, P. and Fulton, - [PDF Document] (34)

Seite 34/36 Module Handbook for Urban Agglomerations (M. Sc.)

Edition: 16 June 2014 FH Frankfurt am Main – University of Applied Sciences | Faculty 1: Architecture · Civil Engineering · Geomatics

Module description of Module UA 9 Module title International Exchange Course

Module number UA 9

Study programme Urban Agglomerations M.Sc.

Module code

Units Depending on the courses offered at the chosen international partner university

Level Advanced level course

Applicability of the module to other study programmes

Urban Agglomerations

Duration of the module 1

Status of the module Compulsory module

Recommended semester during the study programme


Credit points (Cp) of the module 30 ECTS

Prerequisites for module participation


Recommended contents of previous modules


Prerequisites for module examination

Depending on the requirements at the partner university

Module examination Depending on the examination requirements at the partner university

Intended learning outcomes / Acquired competences

Professional qualifications Deepened knowledge in selected matters and specialized fields of urban agglomerations – such as social-cultural aspects, public participation, project management, sustainable urban and regional development, infrastructure provision, planning methods and others – depending on the selected master programme at one of the international partner universities Key qualifications Competences of intercultural reflection and sensibility Awareness of diversities and/or similarities of the global development phenomena by exposure to an international socio-cultural and academic environment Profound foreign and professional language abilities Intercultural flexibility and knowledge about international network-building

Contents of the module Studies at a postgraduate level with contents referring to urban agglomerations, depending on the specific lectures, seminars or projects offered at the chosen partner university

Teaching methods of the module Depending on the courses offered at the partner university

Total workload 900 hours

Language of the module

English or other, depending on the language of the programme at the partner university

Frequency of the module Each semester

Module coordination Dipl.-Ing. Caroline Günther, M.Sc.

Further information The international Exchange Course and the relative exams have to be given at one of the international partner universities of “Urban Agglomerations”. For further information see the relative list of partner universities and their specific course options.

Module Handbook for - Frankfurt UAS· Recommended reading Beatley, T. (2000), Green Urbanism: Learning from European Cities. Island Press, Washington DC Calthorpe, P. and Fulton, - [PDF Document] (35)

Seite 35/36 Module Handbook for Urban Agglomerations (M. Sc.)

Edition: 16 June 2014 FH Frankfurt am Main – University of Applied Sciences | Faculty 1: Architecture · Civil Engineering · Geomatics

Module description of Module UA 10 Module title Master Thesis

Module number UA 10

Study programme Urban Agglomerations M.Sc.

Module code

Units UA 10.1

Level Advanced level course

Applicability of the module to other study programmes

Urban Agglomerations

Duration of the module 1 semester

Status of the module Compulsory module

Recommended semester during the study programme


Credit points (Cp) of the module 30 ECTS

Prerequisites for module participation

Passed modules UA 1 | UA 2 | UA 3 | UA 4 | UA 5 | UA 6 | UA 7 | UA 8 | Written Report on International Exchange Course

Recommended contents of previous modules

UA 1 | UA 2 | UA 3 | UA 4 | UA 5 | UA 6 | UA 7 | UA 8 | UA 9

Prerequisites for module examination

UA 1 | UA 2 | UA 3 | UA 4 | UA 5 | UA 6 | UA 7 | UA 8 | UA 9

Module examination Master Thesis (18 weeks) and colloquium (min. 30, max. 60 minutes)

Intended learning outcomes / Acquired competences

Professional qualifications Competence to carry out individual and independent scientific work on a specific topic, applying scientific methods and developing solutions with respect to the different technical, social and cultural dimensions of cities and urban agglomerations. Key qualifications Ability to develop systematic, substantial and original academic research work Capacity to synthesize information, build new knowledge and draw conclusions to attain a higher level understanding Capacity to design a research proposal and to use a set of different research tools Academic writing skills Presentation and communication skills

Contents of the module Elaboration of the Master Thesis

Teaching methods of the module Individual research work

Total workload 900 hours

Language of the module English

Frequency of the module Each semester

Module coordination Prof. Dr. Michael Peterek

Further information

Module Handbook for - Frankfurt UAS· Recommended reading Beatley, T. (2000), Green Urbanism: Learning from European Cities. Island Press, Washington DC Calthorpe, P. and Fulton, - [PDF Document] (36)

Seite 36/36 Module Handbook for Urban Agglomerations (M. Sc.)

Edition: 16 June 2014 FH Frankfurt am Main – University of Applied Sciences | Faculty 1: Architecture · Civil Engineering · Geomatics

Unit description of Unit UA 10.1 Name of the unit UA 10.1 Master Thesis


Corresponding module UA 10 Master Thesis

Lecturer All professors of the Master Programme “Urban Agglomerations”

Contents of the unit The Master Thesis shall synthesise the different knowledge gained in the previous modules of “Urban Agglomerations” and proof that the candidate is capable of pursuing a scientific career. It consists of conceiving and writing a thesis and/or developing a conceptual planning study under the supervision of a professor involved in the master programme “Urban Agglomerations”. The thesis can be co-supervised by a professor of one of the partner universities. Each student develops his/her topic independently in consultation with the supervisors.

Teaching methods Individual research work

Contact hours per week (SWS) 0,4 SWS

Total workload of the unit (h) 900 h

Total time of contact hours (h) 10 h

Total time of examination incl. preparation (h)

890 h

Total time of practical training (h)

Total time of self-study (h)

Language of the unit English

Recommended reading Depending on the topic of the Master Thesis

Type and form of assessment Master Thesis and colloquium (min 30 min. max. 60 minutes)

Grading of the assessment Differentiated grading (1,0 to 4,0)

Further information

Module Handbook for - Frankfurt UAS · Recommended reading Beatley, T. (2000), Green Urbanism: Learning from European Cities. Island Press, Washington DC Calthorpe, P. and Fulton, - [PDF Document] (2024)


What is the green urbanism theory? ›

A definition of green urbanism is that it is an approach to sustainable urban design that creates eco-friendly cities by cutting waste and emissions, promoting the creation of green spaces, using sustainable construction materials and supporting electrified mobility.

What is the goal of new urbanism? ›

Above all, New Urbanism is about creating sustainable, human-scaled places where people can live healthy and happy lives. The walkable, vibrant, beautiful places that New Urbanists build work better for businesses, local governments, and their residents.

What are the three pillars of green urbanism? ›

The green urbanization forms more sustainable lifestyles, and reduces resources consumption, waste, and environmental footprint according to the three main pillars of green cities, which are zero fossil energy, zero waste, and zero harmful emissions [2] . ...

What are the examples of green urbanism? ›

For example, public transport, district heating, green buildings, and green design also bring major lifestyle changes such as, walking, bicycling, and reducing energy consumption.

What is the green city theory? ›

The green city is characterized by a balance with nature, where all forms of nature are respected, maintained, and extended for the benefit of city residents . The concept of urban green infrastructure plays a crucial role in the strategic planning, protection, development, and management of urban nature .

What is the urban green space theory? ›

Green spaces within urban areas can help reduce these increased temperatures through shading and evapotranspiration. Shading comes from the taller plants, such as trees, planted in green spaces that can contribute to lowering the surface heat island effect.

What is biophilic urbanism theory? ›

Biophilic urbanism is based on Biophilia theory (Wilson, 1984), which proposes humans' affiliation with nature, necessitates a need to connect with “nature on physical, mental and social levels” (Bathri and Kasliwal, 2019, p. 581).

What is the green building theory? ›

Green building is a construction theory centered on designing, planning, sourcing and fabricating eco-friendly structures that improve human life quality. A green building's lifecycle, from conception to deconstruction, should be environmentally responsible.

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Author: Neely Ledner

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Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.