Essential Oils Insect Spray Recipe (2024)

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The weather has been so lovely in Kentucky lately, so I’ve been spending more time outdoors, especially in the early morning, when I love having quiet time out on the deck, and in the evening when I enjoy eating dinner out there and just spending some downtime with the family. Sometimes, I even take my laptop out and do some work late into the night.

Unfortunately, it seems the mosquitoes enjoy dinner at dusk out on my deck, too. And it’s usually me they are snacking on. Along with those biting gnat things, no-see-ums, and whatever other winged thing that likes to bite me, it can get pretty miserable.

I hate, hate, hate insect repellents. I hate the smell. I hate that I have to shower as soon as I come inside. And I hate the thought of those chemicals (deet!) sprayed onto the largest organ of my body — my skin. So just like the ADHD research, I did some looking around and lots of reading to see if I could come up the right essential oils recipe for an insect repellent, too.

I mixed up a recipe and started using it immediately. Want to know how many mosquito bites I’ve had while hanging out on the deck? None. Zip. Zero. Nada. Not one bite. I am thrilled. So, at the risk of becoming that homeschool blogger who has gone nuts with essential oils, I thought I would share my essential oils recipe and how I’m using it.

Essential Oils Insect Spray Recipe (4)

Essential Oils Insect Repellent Recipe

For a master blend or spray bottle, mix together the following essential oils. If making a master blend to store for multiple uses, add to a 10 ml glass bottle with an orifice reducer.

15 drops Eucaplyptus (Eucalyptus citriodora)

10 drops Cedarwood(Cedrus atlantica)

10 drops Thyme (Thymus vulgaris ct. thymol)

10 drops Peppermint (Metha x piperita)

10 drops Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis ct. 1,8 cineole)

5 dropsGeranium Bourbon(Pelargonium x asperum)

5 drops Citronella (Cympobogon winterianus)

5 drops Lemongrass (Cympobogon flexuosus

If you’re going to be out hiking, camping, picnicking, etc. and in need a lot of coverage, make an insect repellent spray by adding the entire recipeabove to1 oz Everclear (190 proof, 95% ethanol), cover, and allow to sit for about an hour (this will help disperse your essential oils so they don’t settle at the top of your bottle later, and will act as a preservative). After one hour, pour your essential oil mixture into a 4oz bottle and slowly addaloe vera gelto fill the bottle (leaving a bit of room at the top for the spray top). Add the spray top and gently shake to combine. Spray the mixture liberally on your clothing and exposed skin. Just don’t get it in your eyes. Any bottle you use needs to be glass and a dark colorto protect it from sunlight. I use these amber spray bottles.

I also make a roll-on bottle to keep in my purse for those times I find myself exposed to mosquitoes but don’t have the spray available.I make a 5% dilution by adding 10 drops of the above master blend recipe to one of these roller bottlesand then fill it to the top with a carrier oil. It’sbest to mix with a carrier oil to reduce the possibility of a skin reaction. I generally just roll some on around my ankles and in the bend of my elbows. This method seems to work great for those “hanging around the backyard” or walking at the park times. It’s super handy to carry in my purse or pocket. The other day, we met friends at the park and I whipped it right out of my purse, after getting a bite immediately. My friend used it, too, and now wants the recipe for a 2-week RV trip her family will soon take.

Kid Safe Insect Repellent Recipe

For young children (under the age of 6), use the following recipe:

10 drops Citronella (Cympobogon winterianus)

10 drops Cedarwood(Cedrus atlantica)

5 dropsGeranium Bourbon(Pelargonium x asperum)

5 drops Lavender (Lavender augustafolia)

Similarly to the above recipe, add the entire blend to a 4 oz spray bottle with 2 oz aloe vera gel and 1 oz Everclear. Shake well before using on clothing and exposed skin. Store in the refrigerator when not in use.

To make a roll-on bottle, add 3-4 drops of the above master blend to a roller bottle and top off with a carrier oil.

My current favorite essential oils supplier isRocky Mountain Oils, but certainly, buy from whomever you are most comfortable. Just be sure you are using “pure” essential oils.

Do you use essential oils? What are your favorites and how do you use them?

Essential Oils eCourse

Are you new to the idea of using essential oils for the health and wellness of your family? You are invited to join my 10-day eCourse — Your Simple Guide to Using Essential Oils. This FREE course will be delivered straight to your inbox, one lesson at a time, to help you get started using essential oils safely!


Never use essential oils undiluted, in the eyes or mucus membranes. Do not ingest unless working with a qualified practitioner. Keep essential oils away from children. If applying an essential oil to your skin always perform a small patch test to an insensitive part of the body (after you have properly diluted the oil in an appropriate carrier oil).

For educational purposes only. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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Essential Oils Insect Spray Recipe (2024)
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Name: Delena Feil

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Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.